1. The Find My app can help you locate a missing Mac — even if it’s offline or sleeping — by sending out Bluetooth signals that can be detected by nearby Apple devices. These devices then relay the detected location of your Mac to iCloud so you can locate it. It’s all anonymous and encrypted end‑to‑end so no one — including Apple — knows the identity of any reporting device or the location of your Mac. And it all happens silently using tiny bits of data that piggyback on existing network traffic. So there’s no need to worry about your battery life, your data usage or your privacy being compromised.
2. 你可以繼續用傳統Find My 但熄crowdsource Find My network
大力山根2021-04-21 18:45:18
大力山根2021-04-21 18:48:12
和你shop2021-04-21 19:08:14
邊方明2021-04-21 20:55:00
唔駛FF 喇, 咪話咗有on/off
加密人地用咗hardware AES accelerator 好多年喇
PC CPU 既例子就係AES-NI, 人地講緊volume 係GBs per second, 何況呢度衹係要en/decode 幾串alphabets 咁輕鬆
邊方明2021-04-21 20:59:06
HW accelerator 比起SW implementation 有咩分別你知嗎?
邊方明2021-04-21 21:15:03
如果個sw implementation 要wake CPU 大核就絕對唔止慳咁少
要lab test 就唔會有相關媒體或者youtuber 陪你喇但可以俾個blackbox testing 思路你:
toggle on/off Find My Network and record standby time
whitebox testing 就係developer 自己知系統幾耐會piggyback send back 一次data 同幾耐collect 一次data, 用frequency 同每次operation 用到既電力評估到power consumption impact
但你要留意佢本身同Apple server 之間都會send data (Settings > Celluar > Apple services) 情況會係e.g. send 40KB data 呢個operation 會唔會一定食電過send 35KB data