Senior figure at #PL big six club: "Certain rules we adhered to are not legally sound, we plan to test them. The last thing we want to do is pay lawyers heaps of cash, we all want to remain in the PL, we don't want to leave. We're threatened with expulsion." [via @SkySportsNews]
D.A.R.L.I.N.G2021-04-20 19:25:48
柔道龍虎榜2021-04-20 19:26:37
New: Boris Johnson has confirmed he is exploring new laws to block European Super League
He met with Football Association, Premier League & football fan groups this morning & "was clear that government is exploring every possibility, including legislative options", say No 10
火撚鳥2021-04-20 19:26:55
我唔係Ben2021-04-20 19:27:33
機會細啲囉 班主要夾硬嚟 唔通球員真係轉隊咩
KNO32021-04-20 19:28:02
Roman, 我過咗嚟倫敦office呀
Marina, Petr咁管理點x得
E.Lamela2021-04-20 19:28:05
劍聖一心(用槍)2021-04-20 19:28:36
韋利安(世三)2021-04-20 19:28:47
定係睇都唔睇 now
睇 free stream
1905野蠻人2021-04-20 19:29:15
🚨Breaking: At least one of the ‘big six’ English clubs is considering whether to withdraw from the new Super League after being taken aback by the volume of opposition, including from their own fans. [The Times]
派膠派到手軟2021-04-20 19:29:22
柔道龍虎榜2021-04-20 19:29:36
🚨Breaking: At least one of the ‘big six’ English clubs is considering whether to withdraw from the new Super League after being taken aback by the volume of opposition, including from their own fans. [The Times]
At least one #PL big six club is having 'emergency internal discussions' on the best way forward, with some of the executives 'deeply concerned' about alienating their fans via the European Super League.