CPO are not licensed to give financial advice, and any person wishing to purchase shares should seek such advice if they think it necessary. Shares are privately traded, and CPO is aware of no shares that have changed hands for any money in recent times.
The company has never paid any dividend to its shareholders. Whilst there is no formal discounts available to shareholders, CPO has from time to time offered shareholders
discounts on tickets to its own events.
梗係冇,不過有得去開會 、投票、寄信問董事會問題會回答(Each year we hold an Annual General Meeting. This has generally been in the last week of January, and held at Stamford Bridge.
Shareholders can ask questions and make comments. Each shareholder gets to vote on resolutions put to the meeting, either through the internet, or by post, or at the meeting.),仲有得同揀好嘅球員影相+會幫你喺份share上面簽名

