
585 回覆
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2021-04-03 07:52:30
2021-04-03 07:56:47
Upload Lbry定obysee?我得前者ac
2021-04-03 07:58:35
2021-04-03 07:58:59
2021-04-03 08:00:40
lbry.tv is being retired in favor of odysee.com You will have to switch to the desktop app or odysee.com in the near future. Your existing login details will work on odysee.com and all of your and other settings will be there.
2021-04-03 08:01:11
2021-04-03 08:03:59
How is LBRY different from "decentralized" websites, like BitChute or DTube?

There are a number of web-based digital content sites, such as BitChute, DTube, DLive, or many others that claim to be some form of decentralized, censorship-resistant, or peer-to-peer.

There are a number of differences between LBRY and any specific platform, but there are two vital differences common to all of them:

1. They all still have a single, centralized control point, typically their website.
2. They all rely on the assumption that a single entity will continue to act benevolently for all time.

How is LBRY better?
In the case of LBRY:

You can access and use LBRY in a truly decentralized, peer-to-peer way. Via LBRY Desktop, anyone in the world can access the LBRY network without relying on LBRY Inc. servers or machinery.

If LBRY ever turns evil, all code is open-source and anyone in the world (okay, mainly nerds) could develop and release their own version with minimal effort. Hundreds of people have contributed to LBRY, the vast majority as volunteers.

Anyone in the world can run their own version of lbry.tv or make their own LBRY app, completely separate from us and without our permission.
2021-04-03 08:05:24
2021-04-03 08:35:29
想問下而家gas fee一條片幾錢,係點計出黎
2021-04-03 08:37:58
2021-04-03 14:43:57

所以我們可以得出,所消耗的 ETH 數量(Ether Cost)= 交易費用(Gas Fee / Transaction Fee)= 每筆交易所消耗的 Gas 數量(Gas Used By Transaction)* Gas 價格(Gas Price)。

LBRY唔係用ETH chain bte
2021-04-04 00:40:16
2021-04-04 00:42:24
2021-04-04 01:13:44
2021-04-04 02:32:08
2021-04-04 02:41:35
2021-04-04 02:46:38
2021-04-04 03:19:19
2021-04-04 03:22:59

2021-04-04 03:46:56
2021-04-04 05:07:00
我已經backup咗大部分 英文版 鏗鏘集 - Hong Kong Connection

想幫手backup其他節目既入黎呢個google sheet填野

記得唔好用自己google account



推介一個免費同開源嘅 backup 短片工具俾大家:

個網拉落去 Downloads 度揀返適合你嘅版本,
如 Windows 版就可以揀返 Windows Portable。

下載同解壓縮後打開 youtube-dl-gui.exe,
係上面果格入 youtube link,
跟住揀下載位置 > 撳 add 同右下角個 download 掣就得。

如果條 LINK 有 PLAYLIST id ,
會成個 PLAYLIST 下載。

另外同樣能支援 facebook, vimeo 影片下載,

其他短片網站支援 LIST:
2021-04-04 05:17:59
2021-04-04 07:02:53
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞