美國國會禱文結尾:Amen and A-women

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2021-01-05 13:44:46
上帝要同人同在邊使咁複雜 0神學根據 收皮啦
2021-01-05 13:47:11
women 都有men喺入面
2021-01-05 13:48:12
何式凝 支持賓穎
2021-01-05 14:07:52
2021-01-05 14:55:10
2021-01-05 14:56:16
2021-01-05 15:02:51
2021-01-05 15:09:03
用中文讀咪冇事: 阿門

細細個就覺得英文要分 he/she, his/her 好戇鳩

有好多英文唔好嘅人成日講錯 he/she
2021-01-06 21:01:16
香港係咪行得好前 屌老母會屌埋老豆

2021-02-05 19:10:05
最好嘅方法係恢復返希臘文嘅英文串法 Amin (東正教係中文係阿民 用國語讀)
2021-02-05 19:39:58
2021-02-05 19:49:01
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🍿🍿🍿🍿 Enjoy the show

2021-02-05 19:53:57
香港原來唔單只係站喺示威界嘅最前線, 仲係平權先鋒!!!!!!
2021-02-05 19:54:06
2021-02-05 19:59:34
2021-02-05 19:59:58
2021-02-05 20:50:20

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver said he was caught off guard by the negative response after he ended his opening prayer on the first day of the new Congress by saying, “Amen and A-woman.”

Cleaver, a United Methodist minister and former mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, is in his ninth term in Congress. He told the Kansas City Star his “A-woman” reference on Sunday was intended to recognize the record number of women serving in the new Congress.

But it spurred a torrent of criticism from conservatives who accused Cleaver of misunderstanding the meaning of “amen,” a Hebrew word that means “so be it.”

Republican U.S. Rep. Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania  incorrectly stated on Twitter that “Amen” has Latin origins, but added, “It’s not a gendered word. Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable.”

Cleaver said it was a pun intended as a tribute to his female colleagues and to Rear Adm. Margaret Grun Kibben, the new House chaplain and first woman to hold the role.

There are 144 women serving in the House and Senate. The previous high was 129.

Cleaver said he was “deeply disappointed that my prayer has been misinterpreted and misconstrued by some to fit a narrative that stokes resentment and greater division among portions of our population.”
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