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膠不可登 2020-12-29 23:50:47
雲加馬德里 2020-12-29 23:54:18
雲加馬德里 2020-12-31 21:10:19
Fraser 被囚禁喺赤柱個陣有人見到佢,後世留咗statement,入面講到日軍打咗佢好多次

//Extract from statement by W J Anderson, Government Stores Controller, dated October 1945:

"... About [5th July 1943] I saw from my cell opening [in Stanley Gaol] I saw the arrival of J A Fraser [and others] ... Fraser and I were let out the following morning to empty our night soil buckets at the same time ... and had time to talk. ... One day ... I missed Fraser and a fortnight passed before I saw him again. ... I noted the arrival of a European who was put in cell No 10. I was able to have a good look at the European but hard as I tried I could not recognise him. I spent days worrying who he might be. I can never forget his as I saw him on that Sunday. He was of small stature, wore a blue-ish badly torn shirt and a pair of shorts also torn. He had long hair, a grey beard, eyes were sunk in his head, xheeks hollow, and an emaciated body. "Poor Devil" I thought, I dont inow where you have come from but you ssure have had a hell of a time".

[A female Chinese fellow prisoner] [Gladys Loie/Lau Tak Oi] told me all she knew about him. The European had been in a filthy makeshift "cell" in a garage adjoining the Stanley Village Gendarme Quarters. For fourteen days Mrs Loin and her brother [Lau Tak Kwong] were in a similar adjoining cell, separated only by loose boarding. The European, she said, was ine if the bravest persons she ever knew Some times he was questioned in the cell, never talked, and each time he was beaten. Other times he waas taken away during the night and returned bleeding. On one occasion the Gendarmes tid him to a board and beat him several times during these two days. Some days he got no food, and when food was given it was rice only in a small ball and never more than twice daily. Water, when given, was in a dirty jam tin. Mrs Loie said she talked a lot with the European when alone, mostly about their families and about Hongkong people whom they knew. ... The "little man" said he had a house at Taipo. I knew then who the European was ... and each time he left his cell I tried to pick out the features of my old and long-time friend. ... We had daily talks until our trial on 19th October.//

正如前文想請講日軍想佢講出Gimson(布政司)同依件事有關,但Fraser 一力承擔晒
//... ... Fraser, the morning of our trial, was beaten unmercifully with a truncheon by an Indian guard ... We were all squatting on the floor washing our faces and hands. Fraser, who was next to me, took off his pants and sponged himself down - he was very sick and had dysentery - and for this offence he was beaten. I will long remember the look of contempt on Fraser's face as he was forcibly pushed into his cell.

... Fraser was I think, treated by the Japanese as the 'king-pin' in the case. More questions were put to him than any other prisoners. He was questioned about his official position in the Hongkong Government Service. When he was aked ir he had been a judge there was a display of smiles from members of the Court. He was questioned about his duties in the Camp. He was aked why he contravened the Japanese Militry Law and arranged for sireless news to be received. He was questioned about the receipt of a secret note from enemy spied in Waichow and why he gave insgructions to Waterton and Rees to receive a wireless message from the enemy. He was asked why he arranged these matters and not Mr Gimson. Did he, in fact, take instructions fromMr Gimson. That he had acted soleley on hus own judgement,, and as the Senior British Government Official in the Camp he had the right to act as he thought fit and in the best interests of British Nationals interned in Stanley, (All Survivors agreed that Fraser came out of the trial honorably, and as a great man)."//
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