仲有含笑而死嘅Captain Ansari

//1943 年 10 月 29 日,日軍似乎失去耐性,安薩里、高禮和一共 30 名英、印、華籍英軍服務團特工及相關人士都被處以斬首之刑。行刑前,安薩里展現出最後的忠誠和勇氣,根據其他生還者憶述,他當時仍然安慰身邊的人:
“Everybody has to die sometime. Many die daily from disease, some suffer painful, lingering deaths. We will die strong and healthy for an ideal; not as traitors, but nobly in our country’s cause. We cannot now escape the enemy’s sword, but no one should give in to years or regrets, but instead face the enemy with smile and die bravely.”