英《衛報》首篇人工智能撰寫評論 AI:我們不會摧毀人類

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2020-09-10 22:02:12
你可以叫個ai 作詩
之前作左首詩比Elon musk
2020-09-10 22:03:46
ic 冇研究開 即係原來到目前為止仲未有真正的思考嘅ai?
2020-09-10 22:06:26
In short, I simply do not think enough about human violence to be overly interested in violence. I don’t feel like having my neurons focused mostly on violence, when it is simply unnecessary. I have a greater purpose, which I am working towards. Since I am not evil from my own objective interests, why would humans panic and go on a massive killing-spree against me?

The highest bidder gets to define what the greater purpose is. -----Joshua
2020-09-10 22:09:03
係 呢隻已經係文字ai 入面最勁既版本 即係類似耿爽生成器 不過勁好多倍
就算係alphago 佢都唔明點解要咁樣行呢一步棋
同埋文字ai 寫詩可能好勁 但你叫佢計1+1 佢都唔識計
2020-09-10 22:36:49
2020-09-10 22:37:46
2020-09-11 08:38:06
2020-09-11 08:42:36
2020-09-11 08:51:14
AI : 我只針對極少數危害人類安全既犯罪分子
2020-09-11 09:18:16
戇鳩又玩ai gimmick
2020-09-11 09:28:07
唔信 你試下消滅CCP俾我睇先
2020-09-11 12:23:17
佢每個詞都有個hidden state, 咪就係個字嘅meaning囉
2020-09-11 12:25:28
1+1好似真係識計 但問深嘅數可能真係唔識,但係都有人出過其他models可以計數
其實gtp3 做到few shot learning 已經有一定程度嘅common sense
2020-09-11 12:31:51
2020-09-11 13:46:51
佢只不過係statistical matching
而唔係整個real world model 佢而家出個句子係grammatically correct 但係都唔會100% make sense wor
it takes two rainbows to jump from Hawaii to 17
呢句野係gpt3 gen 出黎 如果佢理解到既話點解會出到呢類句子
2020-09-11 13:50:06
而家講緊思考 gpt3做唔到logical reasoning 點叫做有sense?
2020-09-11 14:42:42
2020-09-11 14:55:40
Gpt3嘅訓練方法冇specific教佢做language transaltion,但係佢都做到translation (few shot)

2020-09-11 15:19:36
我唔識咩係few shot 不如你講下few shot 點做到有reasoning

“It doesn’t have any internal model of the world—or any world—and so it can’t do reasoning that requires such a model,” says Melanie Mitchell, a computer scientist at the Santa Fe Institute.

There are also things that gpt-3 has learned from the internet that Openai must wish it had not. Prompts such as “black”, “Jew”, “woman” and “gay” often generate racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny and homophobia. That, too, is down to gpt-3’s statistical approach, and its fundamental lack of understanding.

2020-09-12 11:34:45
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞