
623 回覆
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2020-09-16 17:42:39
Nice chinos.
2020-09-16 19:14:28
2020-09-16 21:01:35
A thirty-second note lasts half as long as a sixteenth note and twice as long as a sixty-fourth note.
2020-09-16 21:03:31
A wavy line in front of a chord means to play the notes one after another beginning at the bottom. A rolled chord is a type of broken chord. It's a chord whose notes are played quickly in order, as opposed to simultaneously; to give a chord a harp-like effect. Use second and fourth fingers on all broken thirds in the right hand.
2020-09-16 23:00:32
They're nice chinos.
2020-09-16 23:16:22
2020-09-17 06:31:05

2020-09-17 10:29:10
They're nice chinos.
2020-09-17 10:29:59
A half note lasts half as long as a whole note and twice as long as a quarter note.
2020-09-17 10:30:50
A quarter note lasts half as long as a half note and twice as long as an eighth note.
2020-09-17 10:31:34
An eighth note lasts half as long as a quarter note and twice as long as a sixteenth note.
2020-09-17 15:58:56
Ask Eleanor.
2020-09-17 16:00:45
And Get Out!
2020-09-17 16:02:23
2020-09-17 16:03:24
2020-09-17 16:05:01
2020-09-17 16:27:44
2020-09-17 18:17:32
Ask Seven-Eleven.
2020-09-17 18:18:18
Eleanor Aguilera lives in Cochrane street while Eleanor Dion lives in Clovelly Court.
2020-09-17 18:35:06
You are just a freak, like me!
2020-09-17 18:43:27
關老二 拜你有春用咩
出嚟行無人講義氣呀! 你out date喇!
2020-09-17 20:27:23
2020-09-17 20:32:29
I heartily recommend you should read "Japan Travel Guide" at your convenience. It's an outstanding guide to Japan written by Avril Skovbye, Tiera Lavigne, Tito Robbie, Margot Aguilera, Eleanor Lavigne, Chloe Lipa, Dua Grace Moretz, Eleanor Ferguson, Selena DiCaprio, Leonardo Bernstein, Leonard Gomez, Margaret da Vinci, Joseph Bernstein, Eleanor Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Dion and Celine Deschanel.
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