
40 回覆
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2020-07-22 19:09:26
2020-07-22 20:35:20
係呀 我都好愕然 佢竟然寄返個新嘅比我 仲要唔洗我再比錢 所以淘寶嚟講 我淨係會喺呢間買寵物嘢 香港賣得太貴了 我有朋友用緊佢個飲水機 都係插電 So far都無咩問題 係大陸兩腳插頭 你要換返三腳插囉 佢都有用呢個定時餵食機 都無聽到佢話有咩問題
2020-07-22 20:39:27
其實我初初會喺香港度買嘅 但喺舖頭望望下啲產品 淘寶都有 仲要價錢平啲 啲嘢仲會不停更新 香港賣嚟賣去都係嗰啲 無咁多款 不過近呢一兩年都無買過 畢竟寵物用品都好襟用 唔洗成日換 但最近見到PETKIT張新床 好似好OK咁
2020-08-08 11:48:41
你地買左部機,係用國際版petkit app 定大陸果個小佩寵物嫁?

咁岩新出左個自動清貓砂,但國際版app 未出 佢建議我取消張單,因為可能用唔到
2020-08-08 15:40:14
懷咗或者發生故障就麻煩,我有朋友試過。My friend Zooey is a dog 🐕🦮🐕‍🦺🐩and bunny 🐇lover. She has a Holland lop, a Netherland dwarf rabbit, an Akita, a Shiba Inu and a Siberian Husky. In accordance with animal law in Japan, if your pet is a social animal, you must have at least two of them living together. Most citizens honor it. According to the veterinarians, you should trim your bunnies' nails every month. Rabbits 🐇are compatible with most other pets if you teach the other pets well. At Tokyo University, researchers undertook an experiment last year and this afternoon where they showed they could bond a rabbit 🐰with a dog 🐶over a short period of time. They were happy to find their results were compatible with the results of the study carried out last year. Hereafter, Zooey had her bunnies 🐰🐇and dogs 🐶🐕🦮🐕‍🦺🐩living together. She believes she'll continue living with them in the hereafter. You can take the House Rabbit Journals for free and read them on your own time. Zooey speaks four languages fluently. She told me, 'Because it has a jargonistic tone, instead of writing "as per our previous conversation", we can simply write "as we discussed" or "as discussed". Instead of saying "as per your request", we can just say "as you requested". Rather than write "as per our agreement", we can just write "as we agreed". Rather than say "please find attached the receipt", we can simply say "attached is the receipt" or "enclosed is the receipt" or "I've enclosed the receipt" or "I've attached the receipt". Instead of saying "I enclose two documents herewith", it's more natural to say "enclised are two documents" or "attached qre two documents" or "I've attached two documents" or "I've enclosed two documents". Instead of saying "here is the report for your perusal", it's more natural to say "here is the report for your review". Rather than saying "please return the form at your earliest convenience", we can say "please return the form by next Saturday".'
2020-08-08 15:49:58
咪撚再用 petkit好多產品都出過事包括呢部餵食機
2020-08-08 16:20:20
2020-08-09 00:27:29
2020-08-09 09:35:24
2020-08-09 12:34:21
電話apps提示正常出糧 但事實上根本冇出糧
2020-08-11 22:27:04
2020-08-16 21:21:33
Petoneer 都係6、700 買咁兩部好平咋嘛⋯
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞