DSE ECON 2020 答案討論


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龍溟 2020-05-23 13:19:08
can't use redemption, u don't redeem a bank loan, u repay a bank loan
負心瀚 2020-05-23 13:20:15
我寫左shares hv no redemption obligation, while need to repay loan if u obtain bank loan
龍溟 2020-05-23 13:21:01
牛屎地方 2020-05-23 13:21:32
等 cliff yeung
紫倩 2020-05-23 13:24:53
因為import quantity 唔可以用shortage的寫法?
龍溟 2020-05-23 13:25:05
龍溟 2020-05-23 13:25:26
負心瀚 2020-05-23 13:26:06
同埋想知paper 2 essay
Politicians concern abt income inequality 我第一次做冇睇Source直接判斷左係揀proposal I 因為Toll charge落Private car only,咁Private car owner多數都係High income group 所以揀Proposal I可以直接喺有錢人度開刀

但寫完先睇到Source F politican話everyone will suffer include low income group 所以佢好似Guide我地揀Proposal II?
但好似又唔Make sense 兩個proposal都係針對私家車charge 咁Non private car owner係咪應該唔會太大影響

最後我講Politican係Proposal I 會唔會連錯Proposal就成條唔睇
紫倩 2020-05-23 13:26:56
我意思話用shortage去描述domestic production quantity (Qs)< domestic consumption (Qd) 係唔得?
龍溟 2020-05-23 13:28:09
我有argue private car 唔一定係有錢人,有啲細公司都要揸車搵食。
負心瀚 2020-05-23 13:29:09
呢個situation完全唔係講緊唔夠 (shortage) 所以有呢個字眼已經錯
負心瀚 2020-05-23 13:31:28
利申完全唔識Essay format
紫倩 2020-05-23 13:36:04
Eilywbu 2020-05-23 13:37:10
負心瀚 2020-05-23 13:37:38
無人爭奪我 2020-05-23 13:39:26
26 why D?
負心瀚 2020-05-23 13:41:26
華子安 2020-05-23 13:45:48
同意係 C
關鍵字係 Public companies
B唔啱係因為 Public companies 係唔係listed都好係要 file financial statements to companies registry 而大家俾個錢買就有得睇 所以唔係 confidential
但呢題Econ syllabus有?

利申中學係讀 Phy Chen Bio lol
龍溟 2020-05-23 13:56:15
it's A
龍溟 2020-05-23 13:57:49
其實我覺得出題嗰個只係想fake人 financial info no need to disclose -> need to be disclosed, 無我哋諗咁多
智者無懼 2020-05-23 14:12:27
Outliers 2020-05-23 14:16:25
Alfred booked a room in a resort hotel. Later he found that Betty had booked a room in the same hotel at a lower price. Which of the following are possible reasons for such a price difference?

(1) Alfred’s booking was non-refundable while Betty’s booking was with free cancellation.
(2) Alfred booked the room in a weekend while Betty booked the room in a weekday.
(3) Alfred booked the room with sea view while Betty booked the room with street view.

A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

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