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2020-04-09 18:08:57
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USGamer - Animal Crossing: New Horizons is Fast Becoming a New Way for Hong Kong Protesters to Fight for Democracy

It's a quiet Monday night in the age of COVID-19, and I've just been invited to a stranger's Animal Crossing: New Horizons island to take photos of Hong Kong protest art. My host on Pikapika Island, v仔 (or "vice"), greets me in a black and yellow protest-themed custom outfit.

On a high cliff is another Carrie Lam creation—one that's been widely shared on social media—this time festooned with trash bags and a strategically-placed piece of dinosaur fossil poop. Atop another cliff is a full rock-concert setup with drums, a mic, and a grand piano, all against a backdrop of dramatically-lit protest slogans, bauhinia flowers, yellow ribbons, and umbrella icons. There's even a small enclave set up like a casino, not unlike Hong Kong's neighbor, the gambling mecca of Macau. Wherever I go, I can't run five feet without bumping into some form of protest iconography.
As Hong Kong's government leader, Lam is a controversial figure, with a polarizing record that includes banning a minor independent party and failing to show decisive leadership in the face of a million-strong march. In November 2019, pro-democracy candidates overwhelmingly won Hong Kong's local district council elections, and in February 2020, a survey indicated that Lam had a ratings approval of just 9.1%. Now, with ongoing public health concerns, demonstrations and gatherings have temporarily stopped. In the face of quarantine lockdown procedures, New Horizons' multiplayer and custom design features have created an outburst of in-game protest art that you'd normally find on the city's streets or its expressive Lennon walls.

"Animal Crossing is very popular among the world now, so I think if we can connect others through Animal Crossing and let them know more about the [protests], it will be great." As for now, they stick to playing with friends. "It's a bit difficult to invite strangers to our island," they explain. "So I think the best way to show our protest art is to make it then post it on social media."

香港有一樣野叫「黃絲」同「藍絲」,曾經試過有黃色食店被蒙面人士破壞,唔少人都懷疑兇手係政府支持者。 而遊戲方面,HeungYan就話通常佢地會由外地入口,或者買下載版遊戲,或者幫襯黃色小店。
Besides wearing yellow ribbons, protesters also use this color-coded system as a way of identifying shops and restaurants that are friendly to the cause. Businesses that display their political allegiance run the risk of attracting vandals from the opposing color camp; for instance, a yellow-ribbon restaurant was defaced by masked individuals, whom many speculate were supporters of the government. "Most of us will order the Switch/game from other countries, or buy it from the Nintendo eShop," Heung Yan says. "It's part of our yellow economic cycle. Some [gamers] will also buy it from [small shops] which are yellow."
2020-04-09 18:10:08

Joshua Wong, Secretary-General of the democratic youth movement Demosisto, tweeted a supportive post of Animal Crossing: New Horizons protest art on March 27. "I play the game, I just bought it a few days ago," he says in a call on Monday. "For lots of people around the world who play this game, they have to put their ideal life into the game, and for Hong Kongers, we have to put our protest movement and our protest sites inside the game."
This is the first time that Wong, 23, is playing an Animal Crossing game. On a normal day, he's an avid Pokemon and Super Smash Bros. fan. "Frankly speaking, without the coronavirus, I don't believe Hong Kongers would go through such a tremendous effort in decorating their islands to be a protest site," he says. After the outbreak of the coronavirus, he explains, it was difficult to organize physical gatherings. "We set up a livestreamed online assembly, but livestream assembly is still a bit...boring. With a new game out, we can have virtual protests, and we just have to use our creativity to make a new kind of protest tool." Is Wong making protest art of his own? "Yes, of course," he says, though he doesn't feel it's ready to be shown yet. "I'm not professional enough, I'm still collecting trees."

Wired - On lockdown, Hong Kong activists are protesting in Animal Crossing


片: https://twitter.com/studioincendo/status/1245414753058426881
The group on the beach is made up of players from Hong Kong and they’re whacking pictures of Carrie Lam, their head of government. A banner laid out in front of them is familiar to anyone who followed news out of the semi-autonomous Chinese territory last year. The flag reads “Free Hong Kong, Revolution Now.”

But the demonstrations have stalled since Covid-19 first appeared in China late last year and spread across the globe. The pandemic gave the Hong Kong government, which called many of the demonstrations unlawful, an excuse to impose a lockdown, which it used to further crack down on pro-democracy activists. More than 8,000 people have been arrested since the beginning of the protests.

Like the rest of the world, Hong Kongers have taken to playing the newest version of Animal Crossing as a welcome escape. And they have brought their protest message and art with them.


“Animal Crossing is a place without political censorship so it is a good place to continue our fight,” says pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong, who is widely regarded as the face of the city’s 2014 Umbrella Movement. Wong remains an important figure in the current protests. “Even lawmakers in Hong Kong are playing this game,” he says.

Wong, who is the secretary-general of pro-democracy party Demosistō says he recently started playing the game himself. In a screenshot of his island, his character is standing in front of a tiny hut in jeans and what look like Timberland boots, holding a hatchet in his hands. His garden is decorated with a big black protest banner and portraits of Chinese president Xi Jinping and Carrie Lam, as well as a pink cherry tree in full bloom.
2020-04-09 18:10:56


“Since the setting of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is that players start their life on a deserted island, we can decorate the island any way we like, and share the message we want to tell the world,” says Li, a student in her 20s, who did not want to give her full name.

「動物森友會」中玩家可以分享自己的創作,再以QR Code等方式分享,香港抗爭者在社交媒體及連登上分享了不少很iconic的設計。馮小姐:「我想畫我鍾意嘅野,好似有啲人會畫自己偶像咁,我就選擇左畫『連狗連豬』-- 香港嘅非官方抗爭吉祥物。」

The game allows players to design their own artwork and clothes and share them via QR codes. Hong Kong activists have used this to recreate their movement’s iconic designs and share them on social media and LIHKG, a local equivalent to Reddit that is popular with protesters.

Fung, another Hong Konger in her 30s who only wanted to give her last name, says she recently started creating her own protest-themed clothes in the game, which she then shares with friends.

“I just draw the thing I most care about and love, just like someone draws their (pop) idols … I draw 連狗連豬,” she says in a Facebook message, referring to Hong Kong’s unofficial protest mascots, a pig and a dog. “One of the selling points of Animal Crossing is that you have the freedom to do anything on your island.”

Bloomberg - Nintendo’s Animal Crossing Becomes New Hong Kong Protest Ground

Metro - Animal Crossing: New Horizons used by Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters to demonstrate

Kotaku - Hong Kong Protests Come To Animal Crossing
2020-04-09 18:12:17
[member]來自連登 動物森友會post眾巴絲的分享

2020-04-09 18:12:46
2020-04-09 18:13:28
因為乜都無 所以乜都做得到~
2020-04-09 18:13:29
得返7張機票 點解咁多中毒配色
2020-04-09 18:13:37
2020-04-09 18:14:47
會同外國人連機嘅巴絲, 地下鋪張'Free HK' 已經可以好多傾計
2020-04-09 18:15:11
2020-04-09 18:16:05
2020-04-09 18:16:28
2020-04-09 18:16:31
可以 relate 返政府打壓連儂牆嚟講
所以出現 online game 文宣
2020-04-09 18:18:29
你要識分 代理商(寶源) 同 任天堂
有興趣可以睇 有巴絲整合左
2020-04-09 18:19:24
Google 一下老任同支那騰訊關係先啦
2020-04-09 18:20:01
例如report content bam ac個啲

btw pish
2020-04-09 18:20:53
2020-04-09 18:21:14
2020-04-09 18:21:20

2020-04-09 18:25:42
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞