法資IBANK contract抵唔抵做

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2020-04-09 19:48:48
ching 收到final in未 上個禮拜in完 second round無消息geh
2020-04-09 19:49:28
好似係10% 但係perm 就起碼多15k
2020-04-09 19:49:58
agger 但而家穩食艱難
2020-04-09 19:53:50
2020-04-09 20:07:41
2020-04-09 20:08:46
Soc Gen fg trainee contract 24k 有master degree就30k
2020-04-09 21:21:02
For all position or just fo contract trainee ? Mo and bo都有呢個價?
2020-04-09 22:22:38
想問係咪報完 佢會幫你分dept?
2020-04-09 22:34:58
All position. If you are working in FO as a trainee, 24k/30k will make you feel underpaid. But it's a good starting point. Another thing is that the internal transfer policy is good in SG, eg transferring from MO to FO.
2020-04-09 22:38:32
想問下soc gen有得in嘅ching咩background
2020-04-09 22:46:17
2020-04-09 22:48:19
natixis係咪難轉d 所以應該選SG?
2020-04-09 23:23:08
好似仲有一間CA? What about it ?呢3間法資好興出contract trainee ,唔似bnp咁正正經經開個grad scheme ,雖然Sg 有grad program 但好似好撚難入
2020-04-09 23:26:05
2020-04-09 23:30:22
轉唔轉到perm 真係睇你老細
2020-04-09 23:31:36
but socgen pay ho lun cheap
2020-04-09 23:32:26
3 months? not even end the 1 year contract??
2020-04-09 23:33:45
CA 人工cheap到傻 不了
2020-04-09 23:35:50
2020-04-09 23:42:21
SG 有Grad scheme starting 70k up 個d係外星人先做到
2020-04-09 23:43:31
Ching你expected salary 幾多
2020-04-09 23:44:08
咁同bb ib 同level
2020-04-09 23:45:48
CA出手好撚低 同樣MO,SG around30k尾 CA得20k中 聽人講
2020-04-09 23:47:19
Ching你老細係法國佬? 可能今年freeze headcount ,所以都正常
2020-04-10 00:13:44
真,有 headcount 一定會請 existing candidate, 做唔做到已經係其次
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