Payme 叫佢開番S10 指紋﹐佢咁樣回我
Hi there,
Thanks for getting in touch!
Fngerprint ID for S10e users has already been enabled for S10e users. The users of the S10e device will see a new feature pop up screen notifying them that fingerprint is available. This is triggered when they open the app.
For existing users - you may enable Touch ID/Fingerprint ID/Face ID under PayMe Settings > App settings > Touch ID/Fingerprint ID/Face ID.
You may use Touch ID/Fingerprint ID/Face ID to replace your PIN for authorisation. However, after 3 failed attempts, you will need to use your PIN again.
As always if there is anything else we can help with then please let us know.
Happy paying!
Yours faithfully
Philip Chan
Customer Care Officer
Customer Service Team
PayMe from HSBC