德國University of Münster學生會發聲明
十二月頭University of Münster political science嘅學生邀請咗我地去做咗一個sharing,大約講下香港抗爭半年所發生嘅事,人權狀況等等,之後佢哋學生會發咗個聲明去支持香港人。為香港人,為民主發聲。
英文version如下,唔好意思係google translate,但應該都睇得明
Urgency Solidarity with the demonstrating students in Hong Kong: For democratic self-government and as universities everywhere against any state violence to a peaceful and improved Hong Kong
The student parliament of the University of Münster shows solidarity with all students in Hong Kong who are fighting for a peaceful, open democratic society and protesting peacefully. These peaceful protests should not be recognized as riots, but as democratically legitimate demonstrations. This means that the violence of the police and protesters must be put to an end, the police violence must be clarified and all crimes must be prosecuted. Furthermore, universal full electoral law should be implemented in all state institutions, from university to parliament.
In addition, in line with grassroots democracy and non-violence, the student parliament demands:
• A scientific and reflective examination of democratic processes and various forms of protest in teaching and research!
• The clear enforcement of the freedom of science at German and Chinese universities, so that Chinese scientists who do research on China are not influenced in their actions and may also criticize!
62nd student parliament of the University of Münster resolutions of the 13th session
• The critical discussion and thematization of the violently restricted right of self-determination by university rectors of German universities in cooperation talks with Chinese universities and existing "partner universities".
• A room at the universities for Hong Kong students to organize for their needs and demands for a democratic society. In addition, full legal and diplomatic support and solidarity of the university management with the critical students from Hong Kong and mainland China. It must be ensured that students from Hong Kong and mainland China can study, research and teach without threats and hostility, this should guarantee the university management.
[ 國際戰缐 ] 歐洲巡迴展覧團隊眾籌!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區