
429 回覆
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2019-10-08 01:45:23
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 01:45:51
2019-10-08 01:47:22

2019-10-08 01:48:41
但你可以係其他平台share香港宵禁左既消息出去 我地要政府真正話宵禁
2019-10-08 01:49:05
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 01:49:50
2019-10-08 01:53:33
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 01:53:52
2019-10-08 01:54:13
2019-10-08 01:54:24
2019-10-08 01:56:45
2019-10-08 01:56:53
2019-10-08 01:58:13
2019-10-08 01:59:05
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 02:02:26
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 02:05:52
2019-10-08 02:06:16
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 02:09:59
3000正皮都無用 得3000連登仔知 我要起碼300萬人知香港宵禁
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 02:11:32
係 所以個template係寫10月6 就係等到今日無話有咩大行動 班狗都係咁衝出黎呢個時機
2019-10-08 02:11:47
Hong Kong has virtually imposed curfew since 6th Oct. In the nights, the "Police" just keep patrolling and arresting citizens on the street if they think those people may resist the puppet government.
2019-10-08 02:11:48
2019-10-08 02:11:58
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞