This section shall come into force on the exchange of instruments of ratification of the Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong which was signed in Peking on 19th December 1984; and notice of the date on which those instruments are exchanged shall be given in the London Gazette.
由 BNO 暫時未能提供 RoA,到中英聯合聲明點解唔可以被廢,都係 Hong Kong Act 1985解釋晒, Hong Kong Act 1985係喺女王保留《北京條約》、《南京條約》嘅效力下,可以將香港主權暫時交予中華人民共和國嘅方法,即係As from 1st July 1997 Her Majesty shall no longer have sovereignty or jurisdiction over any part of Hong Kong.嘅實施方式。廢咗《聯合聲明》,隨時廢埋南京條約,北京條約,呢個係黐線,所以正確做法,係按步就班修改 Hong Kong Act 1985,我咁睇嘅⋯⋯⋯