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2019-09-09 09:15:43
強烈譴責香港警隊強行中斷已批准之合法集會並進行濫捕 及 促請美國通過《香港人權及民主法案》之聲明

敝 單位於二零一九年九月八日舉行之「香港人權與民主法案祈禱會」事前已獲批「不反對通知書」。原定於今天(二零一九年九月八日)下午一時半至六時半於遮打花園舉行的「香港人權與民主法案祈禱會」,遊行隊伍由二時三十分起以流水方式步行至美國領事館請願。根據不反對通知書,集會可舉行至晚上十時,而遊行可舉行至五點半,故遊行至美國領事館乃絕對合法。遊行期間亦無衝突發生,過程順暢且和平。

惟於下午四時十五分,警方強行中斷是次集會,突然要求敝 單位於四時四十五分前解散集會並疏散人群,完全罔顧「不反對通知書」之承諾,以致聯署海報無法如期呈交,引起在場市民不必要的恐慌。敝 單位糾察已即時按照警方要求,即時宣佈集會結束並呼籲遊行人士散去。出乎意料,警方封鎖數個港鐵站,導致多名市民受困,其後更於多個港鐵站內傷害,甚至無理拘捕和平遊行人士及無辜市民,是次事件顯示警方再次肆意濫用職權,無疑已侵犯《基本法》第27條 — 香港市民擁有和平集會及示威遊行權利。

敝 單位現強烈譴責警方打壓香港市民享有的集會自由,罔顧市民的人身安全,再次濫用職權及使用過度武力。警方一方面命令市民和平散去,另一方面要求港鐵公司封鎖包括灣仔、中環及太子等港鐵站,又派出大量防暴警察於天后、炮台山、黃大仙等港島及觀塘沿線地鐵站戒備,明顯針對和平集會人士。總括而言,是次集會結束後發生的嚴重混亂,必須歸咎於警方草率行動及失當部署。

最後,誠盼美國政府及國會理解香港的集會及遊行自由正受中國政府、香港政府及警隊粗暴干預,香港市民的人權已失去保障。因此,敝 單位懇請美國國會於翌日(九月九日)復會後,盡快通過《香港人權及民主法案》,並對所有損害香港民主、人權及自由之有關單位及人士施以最嚴厲制裁,保障一國兩制的完整性及香港市民的基本權益。




2019-09-09 09:16:47
Statement of condemnation of the HKPF’s interference of the approved legal procession and unwarranted arrests & petition for the United States to safeguard the civil liberties of Hong Kong people by passing the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act

The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act Prayer Assembly held at Chater Garden between 1:30 and 6:30 pm today (September 8, 2019), and the procession towards the US Consulate scheduled at 2:30pm to submit a petition letter and a signed banner, had secured prior approval by way of a "Letter of No Objection" from the Hong Kong Police Force. The Letter of No Objection for the assembly was valid until 10 pm and that for the procession until 5:30pm; until these times, both events would be legal. Both the assembly and the procession proceeded peacefully and smoothly.

However, in plain contravention of their own Letter of No Objection, the police forcibly interrupted the assembly at 4:15 pm and requested the crowd to disband before 4:45 pm. As a result, the banner to be submitted could not reach the US Consulate as scheduled, which perturbed the participants unnecessarily. The organisers proceeded to dismiss the crowd immediately according to the request, and yet the police unexpectedly blocked a number of key MTR stations through which the participants would need to evacuate. This resulted in a large number of demonstrators being trapped in confined areas. Subsequently, the police began injuring and unlawfully arresting both peaceful demonstrators and civilians at these MTR stations. Their actions today are yet another addition to an already-towering list of gross violations and abuses of police power, and a clear violation of Article 27 of the Basic Law, under which Hong Kong citizens have the right of assembly, of procession and of demonstration.
2019-09-09 09:16:57
The organisers hereby strongly condemn the police for suppressing the freedom of assembly, which is one of the legally assured civil rights of the Hong Kong people. The excessive force employed in the police’s disruption of the events today confirms the Hong Kong Police Force’s utter disregard for public safety, as well as its penchant for abusing its powers in reckless excess. The police’s orders to shut down MTR Stations, including Wan Chai, Central and Prince Edward, whilst demanding the crowd to disperse, as well as their deployment of large numbers of riot police at stations along the Hong Kong Island and the Kwun Tong Lines, are ominous strategies which caused widespread disarray and panic amongst the participants of the events and other civilians on site.

Finally, assembly organisers would like to call on the US Government and the US Congress take note that the right to assembly and demonstration in Hong Kong are being blatantly violated by the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Hong Kong Police Force. Basic human rights of Hong Kong residents are now under assault. We urge the US Congress to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act upon Congress’ return on September 9, and impose the most stringent sanctions on all bodies and individuals complicit in undermining democracy, human rights and freedom in Hong Kong, as a means to protect the integrity of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle and the basic rights of the people of Hong Kong.

God bless the United States and Hong Kong.

Prayer Meeting Preparation Group

908 US Consulate Petition Preparation
2019-09-09 09:18:20
2019-09-09 09:19:07

2019-09-09 09:22:02
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2019-09-09 09:24:05
2019-09-09 09:24:15
2019-09-09 09:25:32
2019-09-09 09:26:01
推上fb ig 同個d冇講野geh whatsapp gp
2019-09-09 09:26:38
2019-09-09 09:27:10
2019-09-09 09:27:24
2019-09-09 09:27:34
2019-09-09 09:27:36
2019-09-09 09:27:52
新聞集中報破壞mtr. 失焦了
2019-09-09 09:28:57
2019-09-09 09:29:30
Popo 安排 所以叫我地去大路
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞