
1. 翻譯呢度嘅POST,尤其係香港嘅最新動態

2. 英文/國際台:可以俾大家用英文或者其他語言對話

大家有咩post 覺得重要都可以post 嚟呢度,我哋會逐個以摘要模式俾大家廣傳

希望各位喺呢個post 練吓英文

I will recap in English:
Hi guys,
We are a group of brothers and sisters from the translation team whom campaign a lot on Twitter.
We know a lot of Sirs are quite curious to know more about LIHKG, so we decided to open an English channel to cater this need.

This English channel serves two main purposes:
1. To translate posts on LIHKG, especially those that discuss latest trends in Hong Kong.
2. English/international channel: to encourage everyone to talk in English or other foreign languages.

Feel free to recommend us posts to translate or comment below for anything you feel important so we can spread your words.

Most importantly:
I hope everyone feels encouraged to practice using English here