【831 太子站目擊者立法會見記者】
31/8 Prince Edward MTR station Undifferentiated attack (by police) witness press conference
One of the protester is still missing
-有機會有一個人死左 比警察打左半個鐘 嘔白泡 差佬見佢冇反應 之後冇打 二三十分鐘後由消防員 非救護人員 送走 完全冇反應
One of the protester was beaten by police for 30 mins straight.
-警 : 「其實我哋警察呢兩個月咁辛苦,OT咁多個鐘,有時見到好似呢啲咁嘅女仔,想屌佢個閪都好正常。」
Police said it is very normal that they want to have sex with female protester as they are exhausted after working over time.
-有被捕人士係警署被非禮 (摸胸)
Sexual Harassment ( Policeman touched Female protester 's breast )
-係警署去廁所時不能關門 而當時有其他性別既警員在埋
Protesters were not allowed to close the door when they were going to the toilet
-有日本人被捕 警方拒絕比佢聯繫大使館
A Japanese people was arrested and police rejected to let him contact the JP embassy.
-速龍落電梯 踩住市民背部甚至頭部落
Special Forces stepped on people's back (or even head ) when they were going down stairs