[重組傳聞] 女示威者被強姦 武警公安混入警隊 同新屋嶺事件

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2019-09-05 00:49:27
2019-09-05 00:50:20
【831 太子站目擊者立法會見記者】
-有機會有一個人死左 比警察打左半個鐘 嘔白泡 差佬見佢冇反應 之後冇打 二三十分鐘後由消防員 非救護人員 送走 完全冇反應
-有被捕人士係警署被非禮 (摸胸)
-係警署去廁所時不能關門 而當時有其他性別既警員在場
-有日本人被捕 警方拒絕比佢聯繫大使館
-速龍落電梯 踩住市民背部甚至頭部落
2019-09-05 00:51:13
On 2/9 news, a nurse has been interviewed and descripted scene inside hospital, but when the reporter ask about the rumor about female protester being raped after arrest, that nurse choose not to reply.

People's Armed Police(武警) from China joined Hong Kong Police Force is a open secret already.
In the above video, that "HK police" speaks mandarin. (no warrant card of course)

And there are pictures of police displaying chinese national flag on the jacket.
Also there are few leaked messages from stupid police which also saying Armed Police has joined the Hong Kong Police.

According to rumors, those People's Armed Police will not enter police station. As there are many 'non-police' (e.g. secretary, IT people .etc) works in police station, also there are many CCTV inside police station, the chance of exposing this secret is really really high.

Since Hong Kong is super clouded, not many place in Hong Kong can secretly hold few hundreds of people. San Uk Ling Holding Centre which had been used to capture protester, is also the perfect place to settling Armed Police.

San Uk Ling Holding Centre is inside restricted area, so even reporters cannot get close easily, and change shift can be done in Man Kam To Control Point, which is only few hundred meters away.

So, protester being raped by Armed Police inside San Uk Ling Holding Centre is possible, especially many source confirmed there's no CCTV inside.

Armed Police has already done many evil things in Xinjiang and Tibet.
Hopefully it's an force inference but not another tragedy.
2019-09-05 00:52:38
我係咁以譯左, 自問唔算叻 但鬼佬應該睇得明
2019-09-05 00:52:56
2019-09-05 00:55:50
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2019-09-05 01:11:54
2019-09-05 01:12:06
2019-09-05 01:12:44
2019-09-05 01:13:22
2019-09-05 01:13:38
2019-09-05 01:15:46
【831 太子站目擊者立法會見記者】
-有機會有一個人死左 比警察打左半個鐘 嘔白泡 差佬見佢冇反應 之後冇打 二三十分鐘後由消防員 非救護人員 送走 完全冇反應
-有被捕人士係警署被非禮 (摸胸)
-係警署去廁所時不能關門 而當時有其他性別既警員在場
-有日本人被捕 警方拒絕比佢聯繫大使館
-速龍落電梯 踩住市民背部甚至頭部落
-5.9.2019 星期五1930千人太子站獻花 生要見人 死要見屍
2019-09-05 01:16:05
2019-09-05 01:16:11
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞