
185 回覆
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2019-08-29 03:32:44
愛狗人士請入 幫忙起底此人渣
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2019-08-29 12:57:32
愛狗人士請入 幫忙起底此人渣
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2019-08-29 23:02:09
2019-09-13 08:18:49
2019-09-25 00:08:36
第一次養狗 嚟咗一個月左右依家四個月大 瘋狂咬人啲手手腳腳全部損晒瘀晒 打過鬧過困過都係咁 有時比玩具佢咬佢擔去人腳邊借啲意咬人想問下係咪金毛細個都係咁百厭?屋企人開始頂唔順 考慮緊搵寵物訓練師上門教
2019-09-30 14:24:20
金毛Bb 襯佢仲細可以慢慢教佢,一大咗,包你頂唔順

2019-09-30 20:14:15
2019-09-30 20:21:20
2019-10-02 12:59:00
「TaiwanWarmPower」今晚(15日)在臉書發文,呼籲民眾一同連署「德國聯邦議會第95643號請願書」 ,支持「請求德國與中華民國(台灣)建立外交關係」,內文中指出迫害人權的中共不應代表民主自由的台灣。小編表示,可參考連署教學影片,2分鐘左右的時間就能完成簽署,如能在10月9日前達成5萬人連署,就有機會將此議題送進德國國會。


Source: https://m.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/2916703

連署教學from TW:


大家幫下手, 聯台灣抗邪惡強国

2019-10-06 05:47:58
2019-10-06 08:30:50
2019-10-06 11:06:21
2019-10-07 20:09:00
2019-10-09 04:30:38
2019-10-09 09:26:05
2019-10-09 10:01:50

2019-10-09 10:07:27
認真唔係好分到 Google過2者個樣 真係好似 金毛都有白色
2019-10-13 21:23:21
2019-10-13 21:24:10
2019-10-13 21:25:05
2019-10-14 21:47:18
My friend Paul is a dog and bunny lover. He has a Golden Retriever, an Alaskan Malamute, a Holland lop rabbit and a Netherland dwarf. In accordance with animal law in Kyoto, if your pet is a social animal you must have at least two of them living together. Most citizens honour it. According to the veterinarians and the pet guide, you should clip your bunny's nails every month. Rabbits are compatible with most other pets if you teach the other pets well. At Tokyo university researchers carried out an experiment last year and this morning where they showed they could bond a dog with a rabbit over a short period of time. They were happy to find their results were compatible with the results of the study that was undertaken last year. Hereafter Paul had his bunnies and dogs living together. He believes he'll continue living with them in the hereafter. You can take the house rabbit journals for free and read them at your leisure. He speaks four languages fluently. He told me "because it has a jagonistic tone, instead of writing as per our previous conversation we can simply write as we discussed or as discussed. Instead of writing as per your request we can just.write as you request. Rather than say as per our agreement we can just say as we agreed. Rather than say please find attached the receipt, we can just say attached is the receipt. Instead of saying I enclose herewith two documents it's more natural to say enclosed are two documents or I've enclosed two documents. Instead of saying here is the report for your perusal its more natural to say here is the report for your review. Rather than say please return the form at your earliest convenience we can say please return the form by next friday." Both paul and I are kickboxing fans. Channel one gives luve coverage of kickboxing fights. John's fight with Dan got in-depth press coverage. His match with Alexander also received extensive media coverage. He tends to get lots of newspaper and television coverage because his fights are exciting to watch. The kickboxing organisation will hold an election for the chairman tomorrow. Channel one will give the election detailed coverage. If you want to check out the reports of John's previous fights their monthly magazines have widespread coverage of them. The book "martial arts techniques" provides good grappling techniques coverage. By the way Japan Mobile now has nationwide coverage with its network which easily outshines other service providers. Their network coverage used to be poor in osaka which affected how people could access the internet but now it's considered to be one of the best in the world. Their coverage is fantastic throughout the country. Paul is an euphonium player. He's looking at a few insurance plans and choosing one that provides the most adequate life, health and medical coverage. He's thinking of paying an extra premium to have insurance cover for accidental damage to his euphonium as well as increasing the cover up to a million yen.
2019-10-14 23:47:03
2019-10-16 11:22:15
2019-10-16 11:28:26
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞