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2019-07-16 23:57:07
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有冇得COPY 唔係好識
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大家快d download
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#Warning# Do NOT travel to Hong Kong

The Hong Kong police force poses a serious threat to your personal safety in Hong Kong! #Hongkongwarning #Hongkong #Hongkongprotest #HongKongextraditionbill #HongKongProtests

Due to inadequate training and lack of a supervisory body, many Hong Kong police officers have gone rogue and resorted to using violence against citizens. There is clear evidence that the Hong Kong police force placed itself above the law. Yet, unfortunately, there is no effective mechanism to oversee the wrongdoing of the police. It is no exaggeration to say that Hong Kong has effectively become a police state!

The incidents below show that the Hong Kong police cannot be trusted anymore:

Many police officers have blatantly committed criminal offences whilst on duty. These include sexual assault, theft, illegal extraction of confessions, forcing complainants to be stripped naked, and using excessive violence against protesters etc.

On 12 June, the Hong Kong police used excessive force against unarmed and peaceful protesters who were allowed to assemble at a pre-approved area near the Central Government Offices. The police used pepper spray, tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds and batons against protesters and reporters.

On 1 July, the Hong Kong police used life-threatening force against peaceful protesters in the early hours of the morning. Pepper spray, tear gas and batons were again used against protesters and reporters.

On 7 July, the Hong Kong police again used life-threatening force against peaceful protesters in one of the busiest shopping districts in Hong Kong. The police used pepper spray, tear gas and batons against protesters and reporters. They intentionally separated the protesters from the reporters, and beat them in areas where no cameras were present. Passerby, including tourists and citizens, were assumed as protesters as well and were rudely driven away by the police.

On 10 July, the Hong Kong police protected suspects who had attacked innocent civilians, just because they had expressed support of the Hong Kong police.

On 13 July, the Hong Kong police attacked protesters during a peaceful demonstration, using pepper spray, tear gas and batons. One of the protesters was beat into unconsciousness, suffering near fatal injuries. The police also chased after a 16-year-old teenager, cornering him on a footbridge, which caused the young man to jump off the footbridge out of desperation. He was rescued by reporters and other protesters, but was arrested immediately after he was pulled back to safety.

On 14 July, the Hong Kong police forced protesters to enter a shopping mall after a peaceful demonstration that took place nearby. The police blocked off exits when the protesters were inside. The protesters had no way of leaving and were trapped in the mall. The police then began attacking and intimidating people, with no regard of whether they were protesters or passerby. One of the officers dug his finger into a protester’s eye in a blatant display of violence. The police also beat a teenager in another district without reason and arrested him.

We strongly advise any potential travelers against visiting Hong Kong. We repeat, the Hong Kong police force poses a serious threat to your personal safety!
2019-07-17 00:04:30
2019-07-17 00:04:53
2019-07-17 00:05:11
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞