【 緊急】謹此奉上 《香港己亥宣言》,望立法會義士接納宣讀!


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唯唯(香港之光) 2019-07-01 23:58:12
紫貓 2019-07-01 23:58:16
Pppppppp 2019-07-01 23:58:32
暗黑地獄 2019-07-01 23:58:48
出嚟啦屌 2019-07-01 23:58:56
Pppppppp 2019-07-01 23:59:14
議員 政黨

紫貓 2019-07-01 23:59:23
Pppppppp 2019-07-01 23:59:56
當撈J.侵 2019-07-02 00:00:08
夢恆 2019-07-02 00:00:24

1. 謹代表香港人民宣誓,香港人民將以追求及保護其生而俱來之權利為己任,包括所有天賦自由、公民及政治權利,及真正代表港人之政治制度。

2. 現行社會約法失效、倒行逆施,須由港人重新修訂香港憲法,確切落實港人治港高度自治,中華人民共和國除國防及外交事務以外不得干預香港內政事務。

3. 行政、立法機關腐敗不堪,政權爪牙協助中華人民共和國政府及其下機構干預香港經濟及政治事務,違反基本法,相關人士無法代表港人,必須立即辭職。

4. 廢除一切侵犯基本人權之基本法條文及法例,包括修改基本法並廢除第二十三條之條文。政府亦應當捍衛其管治威信,為基本法第二十二條進行立法。

5. 進行政制改革以捍衛港人利益及權利,以香港人利益及權利為唯一施政依歸。

6. 有見及此,政府應立即重啟政改,必須落實彰顯民主精神之行政長官普選及全面普選立法會。

7. 政府必須立即無條件釋放相關被捕示威者及政治犯,包括但不限於雨傘運動、旺角魚蛋革命、反送中一連串示威被捕人士,並保證不予追究。

8. 政府必須承諾設立獨立調查警隊部門及獨立監察委員會,以達至監控警務人員執行職務之效,同時追究失職警方以不當武力鎮壓示威者,警務處處長須為失職問責下台,警隊必須向全港市民致歉。

9. 無限感激所有為香港未來付出鮮血和生命的人民英雄,要求立法將7月2日定為香港法定紀念日及定為港殤日,毋忘香港血色六月、七月。

“Hong Kong Declaration 2019”
A Declaration of Rights for Hongkongers

1. We swear on behalf of Hongkongers, that we take it as our duty to pursue and defend the basic rights and liberties of Hongkongers, including all freedoms, civil and political rights, and a political system that is truly for Hongkongers.

2. Hongkongers must rewrite the Hong Kong Constitution and implement a high degree of autonomy and the rule by Hongkongers, as the current social contract has already been rendered ineffective. The government of the People’s Republic of China should be prohibited from intervening in the internal affairs of Hong Kong, except for national defense and diplomatic affairs, as codified.

3. The Executive and Legislative institutions are corrupt. The lackeys to the authority have been assisting and abetting the People’s Republic of China and its designated organizations to intervene in Hong Kong’s economic and political affairs, which is in direct violation to the Basic Law. The aforesaid lackeys and related parties cannot represent Hongkonger and should resign immediately.

4. To abolish all laws and legislation that infringe upon basic human rights by amending the Basic Law and Ordinances of Hong Kong, including the abolishment of Article 23 of the Basic Law. The Hong Kong Government should also defend its authority by legislating into law the restrictions imposed by Article 22 of the Basic Law.

5. Enact political reforms to protect the interests and rights of Hongkongers and to place only the interests and rights of Hongkongers as the main objective of all policies.

6. Therefore, the Hong Kong Government should immediately reactivate political reforms to implement universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the whole of the Legislative Council in order to achieve genuine democracy.

7. The Hong Kong Government must immediately release all detained protesters and political prisoners without condition, including but not limited to those arrested during the Umbrella Movement, Fishball Revolution, Anti-Extradition Law Protests. The Government must guarantee that it would not persecute them in the future.

8. The Hong Kong Government must appoint an independent committee to inquire into the excessive use of force by the Police on protestors against the extradition bill. The Chief Commissioner of Police must step down for his incompetence. The Hong Kong Police must make a formal apology to Hongkongers.

9. We are forever in debt to the heroes whose blood has been shed for the future of Hong Kong. We request for the establishment of a remembrance day on the Second of July in memory of Hong Kong’s bloody June and July.
我帶路 2019-07-02 00:00:54
誰可拼 2019-07-02 00:01:05
野原蒼井空 2019-07-02 00:01:30
咸濕保姆賤嬰兒 2019-07-02 00:01:33
咸濕保姆賤嬰兒 2019-07-02 00:01:52
我要攬炒 2019-07-02 00:02:01
咸濕保姆賤嬰兒 2019-07-02 00:02:02
連登cd_rom 2019-07-02 00:02:11
金鐘宣言 / 香港人民爭取其應有之普世價值及社會制度宣言
Admiralty Declaration

1. 對於過去數日,以至近數年之港人抗爭運動,皆為香港人為爭取自己應有的權利,所作出之公民抗命活動,所有熱愛香港的人民將一直支持此等抗爭直到永遠
Regarding the recent incidents of civil disobience, we the people who love Hong Kong shall support the movement till the end of time
2. 謹代表香港人民宣誓,香港人民將永遠以追求本來應有之普世價值及社會制度為己任
On behalf of all HKers, we shall never cease pursuing universal values and rule of law
3. 對於行政,立法,司法機關等,香港人民已無法容忍,若不立即進行改革,人民必將舉起手中的武器及盾牌,推翻暴政,推翻議會
HKers can no longer stand the injustice that is our government. We shall raise our shields and arms to overthrow the puppet Legislative Council and the Government

4. 沒有民主選舉是一切問題之根源,必須馬上修改立法會議席及行政長官產生辦法,若非落實全民普選,誓不罷休
The lack of a democratic election is the root of all evils. Unless universal suffrage and a just election system are in place, we shall never stand down.
5. 各大政府組織內部腐敗不堪,要求相關領導人士立即道歉,下台
Principal officials shall show accountability and step down.
6. 要求政府立即釋放相關被捕示威者及政治犯,還他們一個清白
Gov't must release all detainees and underwrite that they shall never pursue prosecution
7. 政府必須承諾追究警隊以不當武力鎮壓示威者,警隊必須向全港市民致歉
Gov't must investigate police brutality and apologize
8. 於立法會提出議案,必須將近年運動定性為公民抗命民主運動,而非暴動
The recent movements shall be known as democratic movements instead of riots.
9. 無限感激所有為香港未來付出鮮血和生命的人民英雄,要求立法將6月9日定為香港法定紀念日
6th of June shall forever go down in history and become an official holiday
10. 毋忘香港血色六月
We shall never forget June of 2019
毛毛之光 2019-07-02 00:02:23
點解咁多名唔用得 2019-07-02 00:02:40
This_is_Dimitri 2019-07-02 00:02:57
This_is_Dimitri 2019-07-02 00:03:07
豬是亮 2019-07-02 00:03:15
無中生有生無 2019-07-02 00:03:16
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞