《2019.71 香港抗爭者宣言》

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2019-07-01 23:11:29
2019-07-01 23:12:15

一定要頂住 堅持住!


2019-07-01 23:16:24
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2019-07-01 23:47:32
我是樓主 可唔可以求個文宣tg
我是樓主 可唔可以求個文宣tg
我是樓主 可唔可以求個文宣tg
我是樓主 可唔可以求個文宣tg

2019-07-02 00:05:48

各位親愛的香港市民:Dear Fellow Hong Kong Citizens,
We are ordinary citizens who become protesters with nothing but great passion to protect Hong Kong like you. Armed with only our bare hands and beating hearts, we waited through June 9 and 12 and not until today did we reclaim and occupy the LegCo building. We are not violent youths; only the regime was brutalizing us. None of us is a mobster with vicious thoughts. We act only out of our unspoiled conscience. We tolerate no conspiracy theories or thoughts to hijack the movement and accept no one but Hongkongers who fight for justice in Hong Kong. Like all of you, we have nothing but boundless love for the city.
Hong Kong ended its colonial British rule in 1997 and became a special administrative region under the People’s Republic of China. These 22 years have only been a race to the bottom for Hong Kong in terms of its politics, economy and general well-being. Pain and suffering now become the daily reality for Hong Kong people. Since Carrie Lam’s days as the Chief Executive, there are only more ruthless and arbitrary governance, more neglect of the interest of the city and its people. The government squandered its budget on its inefficient development project in Lantau Island, and with the extradition law revision, it has shown it is ready to send the city’s cherished tradition of the rule of law to ruin. Millions of people were forced to go out onto the streets in protest only to be ignored. Three deaths did nothing to soften the government, bent as it were on standing against the people it should serve.
現任特區政府已為中央走狗,再不以港人願想為優先。立法會作為立法機關,竟淪為橡皮圖章。我們在街頭,為了逼使政府回應香港人對公義的訴求,不得已佔領立法會,希望香港政府能回到正軌。The SAR government is a puppet of Beijing. It does not represent Hong Kong people’s wishes and thoughts. The LegCo functions as a tool under the government’s will and fails to perform properly its check and balance. Pouring out into the streets, we have no other choices but force our way into the LegCo building in order to make the government respond to Hong Kong people’s plea for justice and set our government back on the right track.
我等街頭的無名抗爭者,不求保存一己之身,只求政府回應五大訴求:We are not here to make our names known. We’re ready to give up on our personal safety. We have only our five major pleasfor the government:
一、徹底撤回修例 To retract the revision bill completely;
二、收回暴動定義 To revoke the designation of riot for the June 12 events
三、撤銷所有反送中抗爭者的控罪 To lift all charges against the protesters for the anti-extradition law revision
四、徹底追究警隊濫權情況 To bring to justice the police for their unlawful use of violence and abuse of power
五、以行政命令解散立法會,立即實行雙真普選To liquidate the current Legislative Council with an executive order and implement genuine universal suffrage for the election of both the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council with immediate effect
The anti-extradition law revision movement has come a long way. We are willing to pay the price with our fragile bodies in exchange for every one of you in society to stand in solidary for freedom and justice, to stand against the immoral law and the brutal regime. We stand together to save Hong Kong.

With love and solidarity,
Some nameless protesters

一群無名的抗爭者 謹啟
2019-07-02 00:09:19
2019-07-02 00:13:01

一、 徹底撤回修例
二、 收回暴動定義
三、 撤銷所有反送中抗爭者的控罪
四、 徹底追究警隊濫權情況
五、 以行政命令解散立法會,立即實行雙真普選
一群無名的抗爭者 謹啟

Dear Fellow Hong Kong Citizens,

We are ordinary citizens who become protesters with nothing but great passion to protect Hong Kong like you. Armed with only our bare hands and beating hearts, we waited through June 9 and 12 and not until today did we reclaim and occupy the LegCo building. We are not violent youths; only the regime was brutalizing us. None of us is a mobster with vicious thoughts. We act only out of our unspoiled conscience. We tolerate no conspiracy theories or thoughts to hijack the movement and accept no one but Hongkongers who fight for justice in Hong Kong. Like all of you, we have nothing but boundless love for the city.
Hong Kong ended its colonial British rule in 1997 and became a special administrative region under the People’s Republic of China. These 22 years have only been a race to the bottom for Hong Kong in terms of its politics, economy and general well-being. Pain and suffering now become the daily reality for Hong Kong people. Since Carrie Lam’s days as the Chief Executive, there are only more ruthless and arbitrary governance, more neglect of the interest of the city and its people. The government squandered its budget on its inefficient development project in Lantau Island, and with the extradition law revision, it has shown it is ready to send the city’s cherished tradition of the rule of law to ruin. Millions of people were forced to go out onto the streets in protest only to be ignored. Three deaths did nothing to soften the government, bent as it were on standing against the people it should serve.
The SAR government is a puppet of Beijing. It does not represent Hong Kong people’s wishes and thoughts. The LegCo functions as a tool under the government’s will and fails to perform properly its check and balance. Pouring out into the streets, we have no other choices but force our way into the LegCo building in order to make the government respond to Hong Kong people’s plea for justice and set our government back on the right track.
We are not here to make our names known. We’re ready to give up on our personal safety. We have only our five major pleasfor the government:
1.To retract the revision bill completely;
2.To revoke the designation of riot for the June 12 events
3.To lift all charges against the protesters for the anti-extradition law revision
4.To bring to justice the police for their unlawful use of violence and abuse of power
5.To liquidate the current Legislative Council with an executive order and implement genuine universal suffrage for the election of both the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council with immediate effect
The anti-extradition law revision movement has come a long way. We are willing to pay the price with our fragile bodies in exchange for every one of you in society to stand in solidary for freedom and justice, to stand against the immoral law and the brutal regime. We stand together to save Hong Kong.

With love and solidarity,
Some nameless protesters

2019-07-02 00:18:51
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞