1. 正式撤回《逃犯條例》修訂草案;
2. 成立獨立調查委員會,調查警方是否在示威活動當中使用過度武力;
3. 釋放所有被捕示威者並承諾不檢控任何示威人士;
4. 撤銷6.12暴動定義;
5. 實現雙普選
1. Withdraw the extradition bill immediately;
2. Appoint an independent committee to inquire into the excessive use of force by the police;
3. Release all protesters and promise not to prosecute;
4. Renounce the characterisation of the 12 June Protest as “riots”;
5. Realise our rights under the Basic Law to elect both the CE and Legislative Council by universal suffrage.