
837 回覆
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2019-06-14 01:09:16
2019-06-14 01:09:43
2019-06-14 01:10:14
2019-06-14 01:13:58
2019-06-14 01:14:52
2019-06-14 01:20:52
而家人地為咗升職加薪 圍教堂 踩你地牌頭
連聖子都唔放過喎 你地唔會唔出盡力教化佢地掛
2019-06-14 01:22:29
2019-06-14 01:25:11
Hong Kong Extradition Bill related news
Pastors and Preachers Condemn Violent Crackdown on Peaceful Protesters

Two dozens of pastors and preachers hold a press conference as they recount what they had experienced from the night of June 11 to the afternoon of June 12, strongly condemning the violent crackdown by the Hong Kong Police force on peaceful protesters. A few of the pastors sob as they tell their stories, one of them claims that when he requested the police officers to give warnings before pushing or dispersing the protesters, a police officer responded provocatively, "Call upon your Jesus to show himself before us!"

Rev. Yuen Tin-yau points out that some leaders of the Christian church has invited Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, to have a meeting but Lam did not reply to the invitation; Yuen thinks that Carrie Lam may not provide a positive and proactive response. He also says that many of the protesters who seek help from the Methodist Church of Hong Kong are not only hurt physically, but more so emotionally . He criticizes that the Government has never reflected on the current situation of Hong Kong and he thinks that Carrie Lam should step down from from being the Chief Executive of Hong Kong.

These Christian pastors and preachers had been singing carols with the protesters for more than 8 hours before the clear-out . Rev. Wong Siu-yung, another pastor participating in the press conference, points out that after the end of the prayer meeting at night on June 11, some pastors voluntarily stayed with the protesters and sing carols continuously until the start of another prayer meeting at 7 a.m. on June 12. However, at 11 a.m., some police officers claimed that they have received some tip-off that some of the protesters are keeping a large number of weapons. However, as what Wong had seen, the protesters were just holding their umbrellas. He adds that at that time, the police officers was preparing to spout the protesters with pepper sprays immediately, the pastors then held up their hands and sing carols, and urged the protesters to put away the umbrellas and the police their pepper sprays. At last, both the protesters and the police officers calmed down.

However, at 3 p.m., the atmosphere of the protest became intense. He witnessed that the protesters were attacked by tear gas and baton even though they were not charging at the police. He's baffled as to why the Hong Kong Police Force is calling the protest a “riot”.

Rev. Wu Chi-wai, another pastor who participated in the protest, whimperes and says that as he remembers, most of the protestors are just aged 20 to 30. He thinks that the police officers, who suddenly moved backward at 3:30 p.m., were being strategical. As the protesters moved forward to occupy the empty space where the police officers were originally staying, the police would have had a probable cause to disperse the crowds with tear gas. He adds that he himself was also under attack from tear gas and he was trembling and having difficulty breathing and saw a group of the youngsters frozen with fear because of the unwarned dispersal; He criticizes the leader of Hong Kong (Carrie Lam), who prides herself in being a good mother, for being a cruel mother who abuses the children.

Rev. Lam Ka-yin recalls that some young girls with whom he was chatting with were so frightened, that he urged the police to give out warnings before dispersing the crowds again, he was met with a insulting response "Call upon your Jesus to show himself before us!!"
He asks "Who is forcing the youngsters to take to the street?" he asks.

煮完野食終於有時間執,有巴打提議紅字有另一種譯法"TELL YOUR JESUS COME AND SEE US!!"
2019-06-14 01:28:11
2019-06-14 01:28:16
多咗個he asks要再執一執D排版
2019-06-14 01:28:38

[有圖為證]全香港插警犬 yylam林溢欣原來欣賞學生成為警察
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

2019-06-14 01:32:16
2019-06-14 01:34:03
Tell 後面要to-infinitive
"Tell your Jesus to come see/face us!"
2019-06-14 01:35:12
2019-06-14 01:37:05
發夢聽到有人要屈班警狗raciast 班蝻
2019-06-14 01:38:32
煮完野食終於有時間執,有巴打提議紅字有另一種譯法"TELL YOUR JESUS COME AND SEE US!!"

太長唔quote 咁多
2019-06-14 01:40:28
2019-06-14 01:41:03
2019-06-14 01:41:21
Summon your Jesus down here to confront us
2019-06-14 01:41:44
Call upon係耶d嘅講法
2019-06-14 01:42:30
Summon your Jesus down here to confront us
2019-06-14 01:42:57
不如就溝埋做"Call upon your Jesus to come face us?"
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞