【 突發】信已經陸續ready,今晚8:30前我地要幫港共官員同建制派取消外國護照!

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Dear World,

We are Hong Kong citizens. Last Sunday, over one million Hong Kong people rallied on streets against the extradition law which was proposed by Pro-Beijing Cheif Executive Carrie Lam and the Chinese communist party (CCP). Under this law, all the Hong Kong citizens and the visitors of Hong Kong can be captured and sent to China for trial (once they are suspected of violating China Laws).

The Sino–British Joint Declaration signed between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the United Kingdom ensured the high degree of autonomy, freedom and the judiciary independent in Hong Kong for 50 years (1997 - 2047), and reminds the differences between Hong Kong, the former British Colony, and China, so-called "One Country Two Systems". This extradition law amendment allows Chinese laws to be enforced in Hong Kong. It completely violates the Joint Declaration and One Country Two Systems, like how they violated other international treaties in UN and WTO.

We, the people of Hong Kong, belong to the free world. We believe in human rights, equality and freedom of speech. Now we are in our final fight against the most destructive political ideology in human history - Communism (CCP). If this law amendment passed, it means Hong Kong will not be a free city anymore. It is a well-known fact that the judiciary system in PRC is non-transparent, unfair and controlled by CCP. Therefore, this law amendment will put all the Hong Kong citizens and visitors of Hong Kong under the horror of CCP. This is not only our war, but also the war of the free world and the other side of Iron Curtain. Over the last hundred years, billions of people have suffered from Communism. After the end of the Cold War, the world forgot the horror of communism and naively thought the economic development will make PRC become a democratic country and become a part of the free world. Unfortunately, the economic development of China has become the greatest threat to international orders and human rights: intellectual property theft, violations of WTO's rules, the militarization of South China Sea, the concentration camp in Xinjiang, and interfere with the freedom of other countries.

Hong Kong has been the free world and communism frontier over the years. Again, it is our final fight. If this amendment passed, it literally means the death of Hong Kong, the fall of a free city. It will be the beginning of endless tragics like Xinjiang, Tibet, and the former Soviet Socialist Republics. We urge the international world to support our fight:

1. Impose sanctions to HKSAR Executives, who violate human rights in Hong Kong, and freeze their overseas assets.

2. Strengthen the diplomatic pressure on PRC and HKSAR

35 years ago, we did not have a choice to become a part of PRC; Today, we choose to fight for our freedom. Hong Kong is our home, we do not know what is ahead of our road to freedom, but this is our duty to fight for our home. We hope you and God will be on our side.

Hong Kong Citizens

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