[數撚圍爐區] 越上連登越唔識數學架 (15)

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2019-06-27 23:26:23
點解partition of unity 對於manifold咁重要
2019-06-27 23:36:32
2019-06-27 23:47:15
2019-06-28 01:22:35
2019-06-28 12:23:17
睇唔明Ck manifold同C-inf manifold
有一個Whitney既result係 for k> 1, for any Ck manifold, the maximal atlas contains a C-inf atlas, ie, smooth structures in Ck manifold
睇wiki直頭話one uses differentiable manifold, smooth manifold interchangeably
但in R1-3, up to diffeomorphism, there is a unique smooth structure one can make of a given topology.而又有所謂exotic R4
唔係好明即係點?係咪所有Ck manifold 都可以睇成C-inf manifold?咁既話exotic R4又咩黎
2019-06-28 12:47:45
2019-06-28 13:05:32
即係話分別係用邊款differentiable structure去睇個topological manifold?
2019-06-28 13:07:16
2019-06-28 14:27:30
2019-06-28 14:37:06
2019-06-28 14:52:19
2019-06-28 15:11:00
2019-06-28 15:20:22
2019-06-28 15:34:55
2019-06-29 20:16:59
2019-06-29 22:44:46
2019-06-29 23:08:05
2019-06-29 23:18:20
2019-06-30 01:43:13
2019-06-30 15:43:28
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