仲有一個可能就係Stat inference既問題,個parameter asymptotic distribution 多數要再higher order moments exist, 一開始就用higher order既話就算exist & estimate 到都有可能做唔到inference
幸福安泰吻2019-05-08 19:43:45
明咗 唔該巴打
忒修斯之船2019-05-08 19:53:37
幸福安泰吻2019-05-08 19:55:03
吉川健三2019-05-09 00:14:27
佢老豆原來放貴利2019-05-09 00:54:12
今日考 analysis 有一題:
Let An, Bn, be real valued positive sequences. Given that summation(Bn) converges and A(n+1)/A(n) ≤ B(n+1)/B(n) for all n, prove that summation(An) also converges.