The mouse thought : Hahahahaha! I can eat all the food! Then I can eat Jesus to get unlimited life! After that I can rule the mouse world and eat all the humans' food! Hahahahahahahaha!
(choke to death)
HKGhe2019-04-24 17:33:30
The mouse thought to herself, Jesus must die, because all priests would lose their jobs in the future.
Mouse: If Judas did not betray Jesus, then Jesus would not be crucified. If Jesus did not crucify, you are not able to wear the Holy Cross. Hey, you will be unemployed, don’t you be worried?
利申: 校友
Airiel2019-04-24 18:18:30
The mouse thought to herself...
allah akbar! Then she set a bomb off and killed everyone.
寧波車仔麵2019-04-24 18:22:23
He shares his flesh & blood with everyone but I can even touch those food on the table...