華倫西亞討論區 Vol.3

268 回覆
5 Like 1 Dislike
2019-05-26 05:34:42
G7 啲把握力真係
2019-05-26 05:35:19
2019-05-26 05:36:14
2019-05-26 05:37:27

2019-05-26 05:40:20
後面就廢開既 得米基爾最穩
2019-05-26 05:40:58
moretti 穩過呢條友囉
2019-05-26 05:42:53
2019-05-26 05:44:47
2019-05-26 05:46:08
2019-05-26 05:46:44
2019-05-26 05:46:50
2019-05-26 09:05:37

2019-05-26 09:15:26


2019-05-26 09:54:49
2019-05-26 11:00:52
2019-05-26 11:14:19
2019-05-26 11:38:33
2019-05-26 12:16:40
2019-05-26 12:42:55
Valencia CF English 🦇 💯@valenciacf_en
2019 🏆 💯 #LaCopadelCentenari #CentenaryCup
2019-05-26 12:43:53
Valencia CF English 🦇 💯@valenciacf_en
#LaCopadelCentenari 🏆💯 #CopaDelRey2019
2019-05-26 12:44:23
Valencia CF English 🦇 💯@valenciacf_en
A magical ending to a magical season. ✨
#VCFCampeón 🏆#LaCopadelCentenari 💯 #CopaDelRey2019
2019-05-26 18:57:58
改名啦你 無得降班啦
2019-05-26 19:52:21
2019-05-27 10:46:51
Marcelino's secret before the Copa del Rey final
The excitement gripped the team before the match began against FC Barcelona

Marcelino García Toral and his players not only cried with joy at the end of the game. The excitement gripped the team before the Copa del Rey final began . Some found it impossible to contain the tears in the dressing room of Valencia del Benito Villamarín. The coach had the fault. The Asturian prepared a motivational video to touch the hearts of his players in the prolegomena of the final. And boy did he. The technician's message fell into the locker room and touched the fibers of players who jumped onto the pitch with an extra emotional injection. Tell them to Barcelona. It ran the minute 33 and those of Ernesto Valverdethey had already conceded two goals that made the final very difficult for them. The outcome is already known by all.

It was around Marcelino's head to do something like that since the team eliminated Real Betis in the semifinals but especially since they got the goal of the Champions League last week. The technician wanted it to be something very personal and for that reason, with the help of his coaching staff, he recorded the video message with his own voice. The coach recalled how "fucked up" the season had been and that "together", "believing in us", "always trusting in the team", had achieved the objectives and had earned the right to play a final based on commitment , work and union. Marcelino wanted to transmit to his players that with the unity and the help of all they were able to fight against any adversity and win anyone.

Marcelino's motivating video started with difficult moments of the season for the team in both the Champions League and the League and ended with the images of the 3-1 celebration of the quarterfinal comeback against Getafe. That night was very important for the dressing room because it meant a victory that fed back to the team for the rest of the season. It was an injection of moral and self-confidence for the players that Marcelino wanted to relive minutes before the match through a motivational video.

Beyond sporting, another of the psychological aspects that Marcelino also managed to handle in the final was the isolation in the Jerez concentration hotel at one hour from Villamarín. The Asturian went well. The coaching staff wanted to isolate the team to avoid the bustle of Sevilla and especially so that the players were calm and relaxed away from the tension of the game and the nervousness of their surroundings. Marcelino consulted the captains months ago the possibility of spending three nights in Jerez and they accepted. They knew that if the technician proposed something like that, it could be beneficial for them. As it was.
2019-05-27 10:48:32
Parejo speech to the fans of Valencia CF
The captain of the Valencian team thanks the fans for the support received during the season

The Valencia CF captain , Dani Parejo , has addressed Valencia fans who have gathered at the Mestalla stadium to celebrate the Copa del Rey title conquered this Saturday against FC Barcelona in Seville . This has been the speech of Parejo:

"I'm going to get excited and I do not want ... (crying) I want to thank everyone for fulfilling a dream, giving us encouragement and believing in us in the most difficult moments, it's been a season in which we did not start better way, the objectives were very far, thanks to teammates, technical staff, the club, thanks to you for each match, 38,000 or 40,000 people, to encourage the team in difficult times. Last Saturday we achieved the great goal of getting into the League of Champions For the second consecutive year, for this reason we want to thank the people who had the luck to go to Sevilla to be there and be able to enjoy with us because it was incredible, we won in the field, you won in the stands. I wanted to remember that they are 100 years old, we have made history, remember the Valencian people who are not with us who are part of this title and I wanted to thank you very much. Thanks to my colleagues, utilleros, physios, doctors, coaching staff, club, to everyone who works for Valencia CF, without them we would not be anything. We each contribute our bit and thanks to you, Valencia is an incredible club. "
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