華倫西亞討論區 Vol.3

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2019-05-19 11:57:42
2019-05-19 12:54:34
2019-05-19 13:13:47
2019-05-19 15:49:51
西盃決賽踢之前, 短評下今季人腳
甘美路-聯賽表現麻麻, 初期同隊波唔多夾, 但淘汰賽又係靠佢把握, 算回本啦
洛迪高-今年沉到飛起, 係攻力死火的主要原因, 上屆都係靠頭入波, 用多d個頭啦
干度比亞-傷患問題, 發揮唔多, 搞到中場多線作戰乏力
古亞達斯-季初受傷態沉, 中後段偶有佳作, 但未重回最佳狀態
西面祖-今年player of the year, 打足大部分比賽, 死球十二碼入左唔少, 冇佢今年都唔知點死
加雷-年紀大, 唔係踢得好多場, 轉身慢, 做下替補
尼圖-今年表現還可, 後段有d 膠味, 不過季尾應該離隊
哥基連-幾好用的工兵, 雖然技術普通, 起干度比亞缺陣的情況下, 角色重要, 係容易受傷
加比爾-今年都叫做幾硬淨, 中堅鐵膽
華斯- 同隊波踢法始終唔太夾, 雖然有時有d神來之筆, 但客串右閘令佢發揮有限
加耶-體力不足問題仍然明顯, 助攻助守仍然係球隊重心
基利卓夫- 一重要突破點, 解決兩翼輸送不足問題, 但容易受傷, 令季尾火力受影響
蘇拿-長期打右中場而不是其擅長的中路, 助守較遜, 不過攻入不少重要入球, 中場重心球員
辛迪文拿-質素普通, 靠對中下游發揮, 可用的板凳球員
皮仙尼-季初的重大漏洞, 但攻入一重要入球, 之後長期受傷患困擾, 要諗下替補
朗卡尼亞-俾切爾達雪凍哂, 出來替補下, 質素有限, 只係揍夠腳, 季尾物歸原主
蘇賓奴-季中加盟揍下腳, 發揮不多
祖美- 副隊長, 杯賽功臣, 繼續做二號龍唔駛煩
迪亞卡比-體力不錯, 但技術粗糙, 多次犯天條, 未係好夠班
拿圖-今屆多左上陣機會, 技術尚需磨練
費蘭托利斯-未夠班, 出年可諗下外借俾佢多d上陣時間train
李康仁-技術不錯, 出年可諗下外借俾佢多d上陣時間train

2019-05-20 17:22:26

2019-05-20 17:47:30
2019-05-21 08:34:07
Unai Emery is keen to add to his squad this summer and the Gunners are in need of a new goalkeeper.

Bernd Leno arrived at the beginning of the season and he settled in quickly, making the No. 1 spot his own.

But deputy Petr Cech is set to retire, leaving Arsenal in short supply.

According to Plaza Deportivo, Emery is a fan of Murara and Arsenal have made a contract offer after speaking with the player’s representatives.

But the report suggests the 29-year-old is not satisfied with the terms offered by the north London club.

Murara feels he is worth more than the wages Arsenal have suggested.

As well as that, Murara would prefer Champions League football, which is not guaranteed if he were to move.

Valencia will take part in Europe’s elite competition after finishing fourth in La Liga.

But Arsenal can only qualify by beating Chelsea in the Europa League final later this month.

Plaza Deportivo claim that despite Arsenal approaching the player, they are yet to make contact with Valencia.

Murara is under contract at the Spanish side until 2021.

Keylor Navas is another keeper on Emery’s radar.

The Real Madrid stopper has been told to find a new club, with Zinedine Zidane preferring Thibaut Courtois and his son, Luca.

David Ospina is set to return to Arsenal after a loan spell at Napoli.

But Emery appears not to fancy him after sanctioning his departure last summer.

Arsenal take on Chelsea in Baku on May 29.
2019-05-21 08:39:38
Fernando Llorente looks certain to leave Tottenham in the summer transfer window and Valencia are among the clubs in the hunt to sign the Spanish forward, according to the Daily Mail.

The newspaper claims that Spurs have missed the deadline to extend Llorente’s deal by another 12 months and that means that he is heading towards a free transfer away from North London after the Champions League final on June 1.

It is understood that Mauricio Pochettino wants to reshape his squad in the summer and it seems as though the 34-year-old striker has no part in the Spurs boss’ plans.

As well as billionaire-owned [SCMP] Valencia, AC Milan, Roma and Marseille are also said to be interested in signing Llorente.
2019-05-22 08:47:29
Nicolas Otamendi wants a summer transfer to Valencia after deciding to leave Manchester City, Goal understands.

Goal revealed in March that Otamendi, 31, was open to a transfer in search of more regular playing time.

Valencia, Wolves and the Chinese Super League had all been touted as possible destinations, but it is now believed that a return to Mestalla is the defender's number one choice.
2019-05-22 11:01:39
2019-05-24 10:34:53
2019-05-24 17:04:21
2019-05-25 12:02:17
2019-05-26 01:12:17
2019-05-26 02:59:25
Valencia CF English 🦇 💯@valenciacf_en

#VolemLaCopa 🏆 #CopaDelRey2019

2019-05-26 03:23:41
2019-05-26 03:25:24
2019-05-26 03:35:49
2019-05-26 03:37:46
幻覺黎, 嚇我唔到
2019-05-26 03:39:14
2019-05-26 03:52:12
2019-05-26 03:54:39
邊隻疤狗驚到入黎負皮, 華倫咁廢都驚
2019-05-26 03:58:57

2019-05-26 03:59:00
2019-05-26 04:22:00
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞