From full account just posted:
what are you doing these days?
"we arent preparing for an album, just practicing basics and doing pilates."
what about loonatheballad?
"that's a secret"
隱藏能力者2019-05-26 17:55:50
“My friend ask about Haseul okay?Jinsoul said she rest at Home ”
個fansign好似變咗答問大會 仲有人問佢會唔會染返黑髮
田姬振2019-05-26 18:51:28
隱藏能力者2019-05-26 20:04:33
盧知宣2019-05-26 20:11:18
田姬振2019-05-26 21:04:11
[ENG] op saw loona kick and felt that their apt was so small, so op asked if they felt cramped.
Jinsoul: huh, it's not that crowded, it's over 50pyung (>1780sq ft)?? Are the kicks making us look cramped~ I think it's because it just shows the living room~ but its really 50+pyung~