
229 回覆
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2019-02-03 01:47:36
I go to love by bus
2019-02-03 01:49:25
個hurt 字好似紋果陣紋錯左 夾硬兜返咁 就咁睇完全係hunt
2019-02-03 01:53:28
2019-02-03 01:54:07
其實長到仆街 好柒

Love and pain comes in pairs 咪算
2019-02-03 01:55:32
2019-02-03 01:57:03
2019-02-03 01:57:24
Love if can explain, world no people because it pain
2019-02-03 02:00:21
Love is unexplainable; people suffer from that
2019-02-03 02:00:42

2019-02-03 02:01:55
Love is a mystery to me, she was once here and now she is someone I could not bear...
2019-02-03 02:04:40
2019-02-03 02:05:33

goole translate
2019-02-03 02:06:17
2019-02-03 02:06:59
本身無咩墨水 仲啃埋紋身師傅d墨水錢
2019-02-03 02:07:14
成句係乜? 睇唔到
2019-02-03 02:10:26
Love: a mystery that brings misery.
2019-02-03 02:11:44
2019-02-03 02:14:45
I love you not because of any reasons but because just I love you and thats why people always get hurt
2019-02-03 02:15:20
MiSteRy l0vE HuRTs
2019-02-03 02:15:27
I just love you*
2019-02-03 02:18:54
fuck love 搞掂
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