💳信用卡討論區(63) 2019重新出發 發問前先睇 #1—#3

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2019-01-12 11:49:36
2019-01-12 11:49:49
2019-01-12 11:52:21
要過左3個月先有 我9月幾開批 12月 尾先有
2019-01-12 11:54:59

2019-01-12 11:59:01
唔會 迎新另外一個item 一次過俾你
2019-01-12 12:00:34
佢好似寫開卡5個月內會有 係咪過左5個月都無就可以嘈佢
2019-01-12 12:01:18
2019-01-12 12:01:42
2019-01-12 12:01:52
2019-01-12 12:05:07
我都打過上hotline問 一次計俾我地
2019-01-12 12:07:15
Ok 下個月睇下有無先
2019-01-12 12:15:35
打過上去問 話要check下 等幾日先覆到我
2019-01-12 13:25:41
剛剛收埋 atm password
2019-01-12 13:54:02

2019-01-12 14:12:07
2019-01-12 14:15:01
2019-01-12 14:26:24
2019-01-12 14:29:32
渣打executive 交保費0.5%回贈都cut埋
2019-01-12 14:48:36
2019-01-12 15:20:03
singapore $5 mil 即係 HKD$ 29 mil

Annual fee: $3,888 (before GST)

Eligibility: $5 million assets under management with Citi

Earning Rate (per S$): 1.6 miles for local retail purchases / 2 miles for overseas purchases / 2.5 miles for purchases made with Singapore Airlines, Kris Shop, Silk Air and Tradewinds Tours and Travel


150,000 miles upon payment of annual fee
Priority Pass membership (unlimited visits)
Complimentary air ticket when booking a full-fare first or business class flight
Complimentary one night stay with minimum of two nights booked at 900 participating hotels including W Hotels, Park Hyatt, St. Regis and Taj Hotels
Hilton HHonors Diamond membership
Complimentary upgrade and breakfast at participating Ritz Carlton and Starwood Luxury properties
Airport meet and greet for each purchase of a First/Business class ticket
Airport limousine transfer for each purchase of a First/Business class ticket
The Citi Ultima Visa Infinite is the second most expensive credit card in Singapore today with an annual fee clocking in at over S$4,000 per year. For that, you get Diamond with Hilton Honors which is a notch higher than the “standard” Visa Infinite cards. In addition, you do get a complimentary night (for a minimum hotel booking of 2 nights) in over 900 properties including a number of chain hotels – plus breakfast and a room upgrade which is akin to having elite status. Also, the miles you get for paying the annual fee is quite decent and costs around S$0.027 per mile – cheaper than the other ultra-elite cards.
2019-01-12 15:24:10
The official published criteria for Ultima membership is a minimum income of more than S$500,000 a year or S$5M AUM with Citibank. That said, it’s my understanding that Citibank is willing to lower the requirement to S$350,000 or S$2M AUM for selected clients. My contact claims he was still offered the card despite an annual income of “only” S$100,000, so it’s possible there’s some devaluation going on to drive sign ups.

2019-01-12 15:57:18
2019-01-12 15:59:09
渣打黎緊三月cut payme儲分
仲有咩信用卡好用? hsbc果幾張儲唔儲到
2019-01-12 16:02:06
2019-01-12 16:13:14
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞