[英文] "半日" 係 0.5 days or day?

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2019-01-07 17:21:01
0.5 days
0.5 day
2019-01-07 17:23:57
half day
2019-01-07 17:27:19
2019-01-07 17:28:41
little half day
2019-01-07 17:29:59
9.6 hours
2019-01-07 17:36:17
2019-01-07 17:51:45
2019-01-07 17:58:21

兩位讀者分別來信,問0.2至0.9數字之後應用單數還是複數形式名詞;其中一位還問The carat is a metric weight of 0.2 grams一語有沒有錯。

0.2至0.9之後,循例接以複數形式名詞,例如0.25 gm也可寫作0.25 grams,讀法是nought(美式英語是zero)point two five grams,不要讀nought point twenty-five之類。0.2至0.9之後假如用of,則須用單數形式名詞,例如:nought point two five of a gram。

至於那句英文,恐怕不大妥當。Carat(克拉)是寶石的重量單位,不是米突制重量單位,不可說「是米突制重量(is a metric weight)」,而「米突制重量單位」應譯做a metric unit of weight。那句英文最好稍加改寫:The carat is a unit of weight equal to 0.2 grams(克拉是重量單位,等於0.2克)。

小數點英文叫decimal point,小數位則叫decimal place。1除以3,計算至小數第三個位,是0.333,英文可說:Divide 1 by 3,and you get 0.333 to three decimal places/ to three places of decimals。
2019-01-07 18:14:32
大過一係 plural,零都係 plural
例:Zero fucks are given today.
但係喺零同一之間嘅數值真係兩款都有聽人講過,話就話有 rules,不過最後都講時都係睇順唔順口
感覺上如果你講實際數值就要加 s
0.5L = zero point five litres
俾人個感覺就係好準確地要 0.5
但係正常最順口都會讀 half a litre

0.3L 就一定係 point three litres
2019-01-07 18:15:17
half a day
2019-01-07 18:16:24
Zero point five days
Half a day
Half-day (adj.) Adjective 連 hyphen 用就一定係 singular
2019-01-07 18:51:43
.25g 就a quarter gram啦
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