KINGDOM HEARTS III free game update release schedule
Tuesday, January 29
Update 1.01 (several data fixes)
Memory Archive (videos)
*The Memory Archive option will be added to the game’s title menu and can be viewed at any time.
Wednesday, January 30
Epilogue (video)
*Players will need to have completed KINGDOM HEARTS III and seen the ending to view this video.
Thursday, January 31
Secret (video)
*Players will need to have completed KINGDOM HEARTS III and seen the ending, as well as fulfilled certain criteria during play to view this video
*The criteria vary depending on the difficulty level selected.
*The Memory Archive is a digest of the KINGDOM HEARTS story in the series up to this point.
*The epilogue and secret movie are video content that will enhance player’s enjoyment of the world of KINGDOM HEARTS
*These pieces of downloadable content are additional elements for KINGDOM HEARTS III
*The main game allows players to proceed to and view the ending without the need for an internet connection
*An internet connection is required to download patches to update the game.