唔理三七廿一 英文係咩?

19 回覆
0 Like 2 Dislike
2018-10-29 16:31:42
2018-10-29 16:33:55
I don't fucking care anything
2018-10-29 16:34:05
No matter what 7 times 3 is 21
2018-10-29 16:36:38
I dun care 7 multiple 3 is 21
2018-10-29 16:37:55
Forever twenty one
2018-10-29 16:38:19
I don’t care three seven twenty one
2018-10-29 16:40:05
2018-10-29 16:45:38
who fuckin care about 3*7 =21
2018-10-29 16:57:08
i go to school by twenty
2018-10-29 17:00:33
2018-10-29 17:00:53
I don't care three seven two one
2018-10-29 18:04:50
no care 3721
2018-10-29 20:22:47
5 miles 3721
2018-10-29 22:52:32
what 7 you 21
2018-10-29 22:54:53
Forever 21
2018-10-30 00:33:33
I go to school by 21bus and $3.7!!!!!
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