Tiger Woods 終於贏到復出後首個冠軍

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2018-09-24 07:01:25
18 洞個個場境,真係有今生冇來世

•Tiger Woods has won the Tour Championship to claim his first victory in five years and his 80th on PGA Tour

Tiger Woods has gone from not knowing if he would ever play golf again to winning a big tournament

Woods reacts to winning the tournament on Sunday - a remarkable comeback that thrilled golf fans eager to see the old Tiger

The gallery at East Lake was enormous in anticipation of Woods winning for the first time in more than five years

Woods' imminent victory sent a buzz throughout the crowd in the gallery which followed him to the final hole

Woods led throughout the final round and finished at 11-under-par 269 at East Lake, where he carded a closing 71 for his 80th PGA Tour victory

The aerial shot at East Lake just before the final hole shows the gallery wait in anticipation of Woods' victory

Woods' performance at East Lake will only boost expectations for the upcoming Ryder Cup tournament

Tiger Woods, who not long ago wasn't sure if he would ever play golf again, captured the PGA Tour Championship on Sunday

Woods, foreground, approaches the ninth hole during the final round of the Tour Championship in Atlanta

Woods claimed victory at the Tour Championship at East Lake on Sunday to win his first title in five years

It was the 80th title Woods has won on the PGA Tour after a sensational weekend at the challenging course in Atlanta

The former world No 1 and 14-time major champion his top form over the weekend and never contemplated looking back

Woods' round wasn't without his problems but he was able to maintain a high standard and see out a deserved win

Woods has come a long way since his May 2017 arrest for driving under the influence. He is seen above being arrested by Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputies in Florida

2018-09-25 07:53:55
可惜rose第18洞birdie岩岩好贏左Fedex Cup
2018-09-25 07:58:22
2018-09-25 08:03:28
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