Personal favourite is Tommy Hilfiger T which features scent of clementine and lime. Fucking refreshing and sexy. Sadly discontinued (at least not seeing one anymore in HK) and replaced by a new line of pine scented ones.
肌肉小探子2018-08-24 16:46:16
正皮 返屋企睇
王傑2018-08-24 16:46:57
稀有高質男2018-08-24 16:47:44
係真唔係2018-08-24 16:47:44
仲有CREED 有冇人用
王傑2018-08-24 16:47:51
一樓介紹果啲幾多ml 咩價位?
花兒大屁股2018-08-24 16:48:02
揀到一支適合自己character 夾到既香水 first impression 會深好多