Insulin & Glucagon are both synthesized in the pancreas, by the beta cell & the alpha cell respectively in the pancreatic islet.
降糖素 (或者胰島素 insulin) 是由降糖細胞 (或者貝塔細胞 beta cell) 分泌,而升糖素 (或者抗胰島素 glucagon) 則是由升糖細胞 (或者阿爾法細胞 alpha cell) 分泌,兩種細胞都可以在胰島找到。{參閱:「基本的胰臟介紹」}
They are 2 peptide hormones responsible for regulating blood glucose level, by signaling cells to intake or release glucose.
升糖素和降糖素都是荷爾蒙,屬於胜肽 (peptide),所謂胜肽就是組成蛋白質的材料,所以你可以想像成小塊的蛋白質 (protein)。升糖素和降糖素要求細胞處理葡萄糖 (glucose),以此管理血液裡葡萄糖的數量,也就是「血糖」。
As the cell needs some follow-ups on alteration of the glucose level inside the cell, Insulin & Glucagon are also responsible in the regulation of energy-related molecules inside the cell.
(i) Insulin 降糖素
Insulin is responsible for decreasing the blood glucose level. It binds to the insulin receptor on body cells, especially on hepatocytes, muscle cells and adipose cells.
There are 2 main roles of the activated Insulin receptor.
(i) Recruit glucose channels to the cell membrane so that the glucose in the bloodstream can enter the cell.
(ii) Promote storage of energy through the glycolysis, and also glycogens & VLDLs formation in the hepatocyte.
(一) 在細胞膜上安裝讓葡萄糖通過的通道。因為正常來說葡萄糖是無法穿透細胞膜,有了通道血液裡的葡萄糖就可以從通道走進細胞。
(二) 促進細胞裡葡萄糖的分解 (glycolysis)。而且特別會促進在肝臟細胞裡進行的脂蛋白 (lipoprotein) 和醣類 (glycogens) 的合成,簡單來說就是把葡萄糖合成大一點,方便儲存。
(ii) Glucagon 升糖素
Glucagon is responsible for increasing the blood glucose level. It binds to the Glucagon receptor on hepatocytes and adipose cells.
There are 2 main roles of the activated Glucagon receptor.
(i) Promote the break-down of stored energy sources like glycogens, fatty acids and release glucose into the bloodstream.
(ii) In the urgent case of starvation, Glucagon promotes fatty acids to be transferred into ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate) for the heart and the brain.
(一) 促進脂類、醣類的分解,再把分解出來的葡萄糖送進血液。
(二) 在極度缺少能量,或者葡萄糖,的情況下,升糖素促進脂類轉成酮體 (ketone bodies),作為腦部和心臟的能量臨時代替品。