英國脫歐事務大臣David Davis 辭職


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y4t7sds12 2018-07-09 07:05:34

Brexit Secretary David Davis has resigned from the UK government.

His resignation comes days after Theresa May secured the cabinet's backing for her Brexit plan despite claims from Brexiteers that it was too "soft".

Mr Davis was appointed Brexit secretary in 2016 and was responsible for negotiating the UK withdrawal from the EU.
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 07:46:09
Steve Baker resigns

David Davis’ deputy Steve Baker has followed his boss out of the door.

Conservative MP Andrea Jenkyns has welcomed the news.

Guardian live post:

K.Irving 2018-07-09 08:06:46
新上任->再辭 loop到2046
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 08:25:39
Davis' Letter

May's Response (3 Pages):


2nd Page:
Fxn 2018-07-09 08:29:40
暴走梳乎厘 2018-07-09 08:58:27
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 16:33:58


當中,好似 Gove就就同意May姐的原則,而Johnson據報就其實有不滿,不過就未去到Davis 咁。

星期一,本來May姐係Commons 講述上面的Chequers plan,同埋去1922 Committee說服backbencher,等佢地唔好坎走票,而今個星期四就會出Brexit的White Paper。

不過Andrea Jenkyns已經出到聲會Challenge May的領導地位。

同時,係May姐內閣中,由去年大選至今已經有六個部長離任 [/quote]
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 16:34:16
歐洲動態: 攤牌了


// 之前在臉書專頁寫過,很少在網誌寫英國脫歐談判進展,是因為脫歐問題紛紛擾擾,但雜音多,實際其實無進展,箇中關鍵在於,文翠珊一直不能就想如何離開歐盟提出一套確實的想法。戴德偉辭職,說明了為何文翠珊遲遲不能提出方案,只能說些「Brexit means Brexit」的廢話。她一提出方案,就是要在硬脫歐及軟脫歐之間作出抉擇,她上任兩年,她(及全英國)都還是未想到可討好兩邊的中間落墨方案,而她一旦選邊站,一定會有重要閣員以不滿脫歐方案為由而辭職抗議,一定有其中一派表示會找人挑戰她的保守黨黨魁及首相地位。

戴德偉辭職也有個人因素。文翠珊去年把脫歐事務部常任秘書長Olly Robbins調去首相府,出任自己的脫歐事務顧問後,戴德偉領導的脫歐事務部同被廢權無異,大部份脫歐政策已由首相府處理,所有英國政界早已說戴德偉感到意興闌珊。//

// 另外,會議當晚,英國傳媒亦已引述保守黨內部文件指出,文翠珊在致該黨國會議員的信件中稱,在脫歐公投期間,(上任首相甘民樂David Cameron)同意就脫歐議題上暫停內閣集體負責制,各位大臣可以自行選擇如何公開表態,而到公投後,各閣員也一直就如何脫歐各自發表意見,但隨著內閣已就脫歐方案達成協議,集體負責制將會「恢復」——亦即是,留在內閣就必須公開支持這份脫歐文件。這就是戴德偉辭職的原因之一,亦反映文翠珊正式跟黨內不同意見人士進行政治惡鬥。//

// 只看上述內容,也能理解為何硬脫歐派會如此憤怒。硬脫歐派要求「真脫歐」,「關稅聯盟」和「單一市場」是禁語,文翠珊自己也曾親口說過不會留在歐盟的關稅聯盟和單一市場。這份文件的確沒了這兩個詞語,但「貨品FTA」、「聯合關稅領土」等等,其實跟「關稅聯盟」和「單一市場」分別不大。 //

// 不過,不滿,不代表文翠珊一定立即下台。文翠珊作了抉擇,保守黨內各派又要再想一想過去一年多已不斷在盤算的問題:如果文翠珊現在倒台,所得出來的脫歐方案,會是自己(或自己的支持者)最想要的方案嗎? ..
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 16:34:40
Davis says he wants May to stay as prime minister

Q: Are you saying you don’t expect the policy to change as a result of your resignation?

Davis says, if nothing else, it will put pressure on May not to make further concession.

Q: Can May survive this?

Yes, says Davis.

He says he does not want to see her replaced.

"I like [May]. She is a good prime minister."

Davis says, if May has a Brexit secretary who supports her strategy, that will strengthen her strategy.

He says he will not be encouraging people to challenge May’s leadership.

He says he would not stand against her.

If he had wanted to do that, he would have acted after the election. But he did not. He flew down from Yorkshire in the middle of the night to support her.

Davis says he wants May to stay as prime minister. He rules out standing against her.

清水健吾 2018-07-09 16:35:27
奧瑪 2018-07-09 16:35:58
黃貫中 2018-07-09 16:49:04
Lm keep safe. 呢輪大把花生食
海龜先生 2018-07-09 16:51:44
考古 2018-07-09 16:57:19
傾唔掂就hard brexit
Alderweireld 2018-07-09 16:58:23
jacob rees mogg
KiKiMi 2018-07-09 16:58:25
考古 2018-07-09 16:59:49
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 17:00:30
Rees-Mogg says no confidence vote in May not 'immediately' in the offing


Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Conservative MP who chairs the pro-Brexit European Reseach Group, is hosting his LBC phone-in this morning. He has just said he does not think a no confidence vote in Theresa May is “immediately” in the offing. He said:

"I don’t think a no-confidence vote is immediately in the offing.

I think what the prime minister needs to do is give up on the Chequers proposals which, David Davis has pointed out in his resignation letter, don’t actually deliver Brexit."

You’ll note that hint of menace in the word “immediately”. He seems to be implying that, if Theresa May does not drop her Chequers plan, there could be a leadership challenge.
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 17:26:35
Dominic Raab appointed new Brexit secretary

Dominic Raab, the housing minister, is the new Brexit secretary, Number 10 has announced.
海龜先生 2018-07-09 17:35:01
咁對brexiteer又真係no deal better than a bad deal既
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 17:48:24
海龜先生 2018-07-09 19:23:29
我覺得no deal機會大啲
黃貫中 2018-07-09 19:27:09
海龜先生 2018-07-09 20:04:20
Filibuster_HK 2018-07-09 20:38:30
May姐今日下晝同labour 開briefing
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