Batman Tomb raider dying light
訂埋人中0 莎木12
咁點解唔lock手機一了百了有,我平時login steam guard會彈組key比我,但依家除咗我自己login,個steam guard喺冇反應,所以唔知佢封mail是真定假定點算好...喺幻想自己有玩...冇用steam guard?
btw 換左新電腦,改左新密碼,仲有呢啲E-mail send嚟...
This email was generated because of a login attempt from a web or mobile device located at (RU). The login attempt included your correct account name and password.
The Steam Guard code is required to complete the login. No one can access your account without also accessing this email.
If you are not attempting to login then please change your Steam password, and consider changing your email password as well to ensure your account security.
要自己搵steam cs 搞?