[MOOMOO]MAMAMOO討論區[9] Comeback之期不遠了 9月2日香港見

1001 回覆
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2018-06-18 17:53:33
2018-06-18 19:59:50
G持 9月一唔一齊睇?
2018-06-18 21:20:56
2018-06-18 22:44:02
補返條link比大家睇下Blossom VCR同原本廣告 可能大家唔係好熟韓國嘅廣告 容隊長真係好有心思 拍呢條VCR
2018-06-18 22:48:51
2018-06-18 22:57:10
2018-06-18 23:09:20

呢邊已經12點 MAMAMOO 4週年快樂 木木們也要快樂
2018-06-18 23:09:29

2018-06-18 23:13:39

2018-06-18 23:29:51
2018-06-18 23:35:35
180618 鄭亨敦提及 MAMAMOO 丁輝人 相關
cr. wheein_vine

2018-06-18 23:46:25
見佢有cosplay jooe個廣告就知,佢好俾心機咁
2018-06-18 23:47:43
2018-06-18 23:50:44

2018-06-19 01:37:53
2018-06-19 12:11:02
Secret Unnie (Unaired)
2018-06-19 12:12:49
2018-06-19 12:19:47
[TRANS] when sportsseoul asked if hwasa thought her gopchang mukbang would become such a hot topic, she said,"I didn't expect it at all. even if it's not gopchang, I hope lots of people would eat tasty foods with good acquaintances and be happy."

-The gopchang place in Jangan-dong you visited has become a 'popular restaurant'. They said there are hordes of customers. Did the owner give you thanks?
Hwasa: I haven't been able to go there after the broadcast, so I haven't spoken to him. I want to tell him thank you.

-There are various 'mukbangs', but yours became a hot topic for your real appearance. Do you normally eat that well?
H: It's [an appearance] people I'm close to usually see. I got in trouble that it would be better to restrain myself on broadcasts.

-It looked like a big meal, but you show off a fit body. How do you maintain it?
H: As someone who really likes food, restraint is really difficult. If there's a food I get hooked on, I eat it to my heart's content. When I start getting sick of it, I'll work hard managing myself.

-You surpassed AOA's Seolhyun and GFriend's Sinb and topped the 'June girl group brand ranking'.
H: I think it's all thanks to the program 'I Live Alone'. I'm grateful for the attention and support from many people.

-Why do you think lots of viewers had such a response to your 'single life'?
H: Honestly, I worried a lot before the broadcast. Because I filmed so comfortably. I got shocked seeing myself during the studio recording.Fortunately, it seems viewers watched my comfortable appearance positively. I think lots of people related to the person Ann Hyejin, who is unlike Hwasa on stage. I'm thankful.

-I feel like show appearance offers will continue, is there any variety show you want to go on?
H: I think variety shows are still difficult. Still, if I had to choose something, I want to film a travel reality show together with MAMAMOO members.

"It's really nice that it's the four of us together on this 4th anniversary, and the days we spent together with MooMoos, who trusted and loved MAMAMOO, were nice. We hope to continue being happy like we are now with MooMoos until our 40th anniversary."
(http://naver.me/5j2rx1ux )

2018-06-19 12:22:26
“MAMAMOO is preparing for ‘4 seasons 4 colors project’ summer album”


2018-06-19 12:27:04

2018-06-19 13:55:20

2018-06-19 19:02:42
2018-06-19 22:48:26
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞