【英國】 英倫扮工室 XVI

1001 回覆
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2018-05-28 00:24:08
22/2/2018 - 230,000
16/5/2018 - 215,000

Chrome plugin "Property Tracker"

Property Track
How It Works
Property Track allows you to track price changes on popular property websites, currently supporting the RightMove website. It allows you to see how properties you are searching for have changed in value since first coming on to the market.
The process works by sending the price information to the PropertyTrack server every time you search for a property. If the property has not been viewed before, it will be saved to the database. If it has been viewed before, the previous prices will be downloaded from the server, so that you can see the price trends.
Special Icons
Depending on whether the price has changed or not, you will see a number of different images next to the price.
This means the price has not changed
This means the price has risen since the property was first advertised
This means the price has fallen since the property was first advertised

To view the detail of the price changes, and when the property was first found, move the mouse over the image next to the price and a popup will show you the price changes and dates.
2018-05-28 00:25:37
Very useful plugin!

2018-05-28 00:34:11
通常要俾左錢solicitor做野先會收到lease,到時pull out都會冇幾百
2018-05-28 01:28:58
我覺得唔好咁急 睇多幾個月先 都唔係咁標青
2018-05-28 05:11:32
點解唔買Hove或者sea front, 1bed你都唔會諗住住過世,買d易租出,放手既仲好
2018-05-28 05:28:26
N年前住過Dyke road,個度D detach勁大個garden
2018-05-28 05:35:24
我唔熟果區又無睇過樓 所以唔敢講
不過單睇相冇咩特別 面積比較細 地板係laminate定hardwood 佢個listing冇寫double glazing? 買得flat in a house一般都expect 係share of freehold
Catchment就即係有細路仔 咁一房唔夠 要賣都可能係賣俾單身 commute去火車站太遠 一般walking distance 0.6 mile內最好

所謂貨比三家 更何況買樓 你又唔急 再俾的時間睇吓好啲
佢個樓盤放咗成三個月 月中再減價 之前可能睇樓嫁人都唔太多
你睇多幾個月樓先啦 睇多啲你就知道放樓唔易 好盤難求 我見過好盤又係市價 可以一個weekend就冇咗 所以要多睇 當娛樂節目

你可以用land registry HM land registry 個網check佢以前成交日期同成交價
2018-05-28 07:47:17



2018-05-28 13:51:13
2018-05-28 15:49:07
It's top-garin. Vegetable tanned leather from Italy.
I used one of my bedroom as a small workshop, the leather is dyed after cutting out from the original piece so I don't need a big space for that actually
2018-05-28 16:27:26
唔好意思 新入黎 想問下有冇人係英國做big 4/ other accountancy firms 想了解下你地條path
2018-05-28 23:34:23
Hail Hydra
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞