
1001 回覆
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2018-06-03 03:35:17

672/673 改左ADD/ICN/NRT
2018-06-03 11:11:54
2018-06-03 12:14:44
用359 堅定流
2018-06-03 13:08:24
有咩慘 近左唔係仲好d咩
2018-06-03 13:28:10
十個有九個賓賓國睇都唔睇FIDS就問人咩閘口 明明後面成大個FIDS係後面 叫佢行過去睇佢地又真係淨係行過去 十幾秒之後又返黎講搵唔到 明明班機個stats已經轉左boarding soon啦 我屌你老母咩
2018-06-03 16:02:31
Oneworld Connect brings Fiji Airways into the fold


Fiji Airways will join Oneworld as first member of the alliance's new Oneworld Connect program, announced today at the IATA airline summit in Sydney.

Oneworld Connect offers what could be called a 'membership lite' package for the alliance, and will be less arduous for an airline compared to taking out full membership.

Each Oneworld Connect partner will need to be sponsored by at least three Oneworld members – a tally which shouldn’t be hard to reach, given that the alliance counts 13 members on its books – with Qantas, American Airlines and British Airways all behind Fiji Airways.

How does this play out for the traveller?

Oneworld Connect partners will provide a baseline of benefits to frequent flyers from any Oneworld member airline, with a more extensive range of benefits offered on the partner's sponsor airlines.

That baseline sees travellers holding Oneworld Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald status (in Australia that’s equivalent to Qantas Silver, Gold and Platinum) able to use the priority check-in desks of a Oneworld Connect member, with priority boarding available with a flash of your Oneworld Sapphire and Emerald card.

There's a better set of benefits for toop-tier frequernt flyers from the sponsors of a Oneworld Connect airline: through check-in of luggage, earning and redeeming points, earning status credits plus lounge access for first and business class passengers and Oneworld Sapphire and Emerald cardholders.

Oneworld Connect members will also be added to the roster for Oneworld’s Global Explorer round-the-world fare.

While Fiji Airways has been announced as the first Oneworld Connect member, the alliance was unable to name a date for when those benefits would kick in.

Oneworld says it is in discussion with other carriers “from various parts of the world including the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe.”

"With most of the world's biggest airlines already signed up, global airline alliances have reached maturity," opines Oneworld Governing Board Chairman, Finnair CEO Pekka Vauramo.

"In the future, Oneworld will target as full members large airlines that have a significant presence in the alliance's prime markets, providing connections between the world's leading business centres."

"Meanwhile, Oneworld Connect enables us to bring together more airlines to complement the alliance's global leaders, so customers can earn rewards and feel recognised while travelling even further."

However, Oneworld CEO Rob Gurney would not be drawn on the comparison between Oneworld Connect and the Connecting Partners model of competitor Star Alliance.

"We don't really compare the two," he told Australian Business Traveller. "What we have developed is a program that is specific to Oneworld and appropriate for Oneworld and its members."
2018-06-03 16:18:01
咁FJ會唔會仲同廚叉code share
2018-06-03 16:26:43
反而其他 source 就有講 FJ 係拎到 AA/BA/CX/QF 一齊 sponsor
2018-06-03 16:49:21

2018-06-03 16:59:50
2018-06-03 17:25:45
2018-06-03 18:03:13
日本航空 239人座的波音787-9客機預定 18年7月1日起投入服務, 經濟艙維持名為 "Sky Wider" 的2-4-2配置.

新239人座787-9客機預定18年7月1日起飛航 東京成田-馬尼拉 JL741/742, 8月1日起 東京成田-檀香山 JL782/789.

另外, 該公司國際線237人座版本的767客機, 目前排定在18年7月1日飛航最後一班, 為 台北桃園 往 東京成田.
2018-06-03 20:40:45
2018-06-03 22:09:25
2018-06-03 22:37:54
2018-06-03 22:43:10
港藉定日藉AR NH/JL好多香港藉CREW
2018-06-03 22:45:55
2018-06-03 22:58:49
2018-06-03 23:00:01
佢講廣東話好唔純正 肯定唔係香港人
2018-06-03 23:04:59

2018-06-03 23:13:20



不過等明年東海航空接收737 Max 8開始,這批737-800的地位就會慢慢為737 Max 8所取代。
2018-06-03 23:21:30
深圳飛澳洲達爾文 邊個會搭
2018-06-04 00:02:05
跟住越做越大,做埋private jet同charter
2018-06-04 00:05:30
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞