我諗巴打係讀Engine(因為Fourier Transform係由Fraunhofer diffraction 嘅result推導出黎,physics初學 通常會直接由interference+Huygen’s principle 推導)
University Physics學optics interference approach係
2 slit/source interference (Young’s double slit)
[within DSE]
single slit diffraction (Fraunhofer) [beyond DSE]
- thin slit
- rectangular
- circular
double slit diffraction (Fraunhofer)
Multiple slit diffraction (Fraunhofer)
Young’s double slit 同 double slit diffraction 係分開教
理論上,Young’s double slit interference 係double slit diffraction 的approximation (when wavelength << slit separation << screen to slit distance)
係DSE考試,Young’s double slit就係要用上面嗰個假設,否則,formula list 嘅Young’s double slit的equation就唔適用
再者,頭幾個order嘅slit 的path difference 係遠少於distance from the source, 兩者order相差約10^7,
根本上可以忽略不計算,就算係畫圖,兩者的差異係應該不能夠係圖上顯示出來,所以大學物理書講Young double slit就當intensity不變
另外,我有提過,for sound wave,wavelength is comparable to distance from the source ,所以intensity的減少不可忽略,亦係呢個原因,
delta y = lamda D/ a 只適用於Young’s double slit
Fraunhofer diffraction 就係假設左Far-field(slit to screen 要足夠遠),near-field 就有Fresnel Diffraction,但呢兩但theory都有樣不足的地方,兩者都係Scalar field theory,無考慮到E-field/B-field係vector
但點解我地都照用,因為呢d theory預測出嘅result同實驗的結論符合,所以就算assume左係scalar都照用呢d theory。
結論: 以事論事,以DSE syllabus去睇,佢嗰Young double slit intensity 嗰graph係無問題。(同大學書一樣)