
46 回覆
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2018-03-21 08:52:38
2018-03-21 12:19:14
2018-03-21 13:27:16
If u want to do fundamental, better read some reports on what u should really focus in.
how can u not talk about ggr at all in a gaming company...u need a full analysis of ggr breakdown man
2018-03-21 15:09:22
I checked online and got this about GGR. So I break down the net income into the mass. and the VIP.

In 2017,
For Mass Table GGR:
Total Net Win = Net win from gaming table+ Net win from gaming machines
= $149706+ $150926= $300632
With VAT= 10%, GGR= $300632- $300632*10%/110%= $300632- $27330= $273302
For VIP Table GGR: Total Net Win= $625332
With VAT= 10%, GGR= $568483

In 2016,
Mass GGR= $250165
VIP GGR= $250140

So, Growth in GGR
Mass= 20.173%
VIP= 127.266%
2018-03-21 15:10:07
And by the way, is that any book that you recommend in terms of equity analysis.
2018-03-21 15:10:26
If u want to do fundamental, better read some reports on what u should really focus in.
how can u not talk about ggr at all in a gaming company...u need a full analysis of ggr breakdown man
And by the way, is there any book that you recommend in terms of equity analysis.
2018-03-21 17:54:39
thanks for showing me the number
so, what's your view? and after looking at the growth in different segments, anything different to your too long please read?

u don't get pay by copy and paste
2018-03-21 17:56:10
get your CFA done if u want to learn the theory
in practice, it is useless yea we know it all too well
2018-03-21 17:58:44
2018-03-21 19:21:46
do it later
Thank you for you insight!
2018-03-22 07:57:52
見佢舊年10 月先仲四個幾
2018-03-23 23:23:43
Take a look please.

GGR Growth-大眾市場;NA;0.76% 33.36%;6.80%;9.25%
GGR Growth-貴賓市場;NA;41.30%;18.47%;1.22%;177.12%


BTW,I don't really understand the importance of GGR. It's simply a tax-deducted Revenue, so it is going to give the same ranking and ratio as the Gross Revenue.
2018-03-23 23:26:40
2018-03-23 23:28:00
2018-03-24 01:02:42

y don't u focus in 1 particular industry before working on all different stuff

what moves Macau stock? GGR gross gaming rev. have u looked those at all

I haven't looked at Cambodia not sure your vat / tax calculation is correct but u need to look at what GGR means first. anyway think about how a casino makes money and they operating model, gaming revenue. it goes straight to the ebitda line for any extra dollar the house win and u say that's not important?

table number is limited by the license. for example, on a VIP table u can earn a million an hour, but on mass...U need 10 tables to do that? that's not important?

the business model is different in the mass market and VIP and certainly u can tell from the price movement in the Macau names some r better in VIP some in mass. also, ebitda margin is very different and VIP could come with credit risk as well.

also...have u looked at how people value casino?

obviously, u haven't looked into all those.

pick a very simple company and understand their business model then value it. don't waste time to be jack of all trades and master of none
2018-03-24 11:23:12
I will see what I can do
2018-03-25 02:25:38
2018-03-25 12:21:29
Yea... What a waste of time....sigh
2018-03-25 12:56:52
2018-03-25 17:22:46
I have faith in myself anyway
2018-03-25 17:24:28
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