我都想學下野喎,但照BB的講法:For the three-roll-two jacket, however, Brooks Brothers’ explanation seems to be a plausible one : Unable to afford two buttons jackets when three button jackets became passé, at the beginning of the 20th century, college students pressed back the lapels of their old jackets in order to transform them into two buttons coats.其實3roll2有用,不過忙緊,一陣講刨左一段時間文, 都對西裝有少少熟悉1. 為乜都唔識嘅人,包頭伏的機會大過唔伏,當然,街鋪也可以中伏。
1. 呢度冇人見講包頭, 係咪伏?
2. 西裝褸 3 roll 2 實際用途係咩?
3. 自己就grad, 想用4~5k 造返套好suit 見工返工用, 但small potato 件衫好過腦細又唔係幾好咁, 好糾結
2. 無實際作用,純粹係個款來的
3. 你正常做套衫唔需要咁擔心,4-5k唔使驚好過老細。即係你帶隻鋼勞無乜人會為意,你戴隻金勞鑲鑽就唔同講法